老師解釋道:中國是一個官本位國家,當你處在不同的級別、地位,"I" 也有不同的變化,就象你們英語中的形容詞,有原級、比較級、高級一樣。
2009年3月28日 星期六
2009年3月7日 星期六
The perfume opens on bright and lively notes, distilling an immediate feeling of freshness. It resonates under the vibration of a splash of sparkling citrus, tinted with a touch of bitterness and of spice, combining lemon and Italian bergamot, petitgrain and pepper.
An aromatic facet, timeless and never out of fashion, alternating between transparency and depth, its heart beats around sage and lavender. They use their paradoxes to establish this natural link between freshness and sensuality.
Finally…When it comes into contact with the skin’s heat, the base unveils its woody and refined temperament. Indonesian patchouli, enhanced by a hint of moss, draws out its signature in comforting musky notes.
愉快及有活力的前味立即帶來清新的感覺;帶點苦味及辛味的柑橘,結合檸檬及義大利佛手柑還有苦橙及胡椒等鎮出和諧的共鳴。永不退流行的香氛,在透明與深奧 之間交替,在鼠尾草與薰衣草間遊走的中味,利用香料之間的反差創造出清新與感性的自然交結。最終,當它遇上體溫,木香的優雅氣息揭開後味的神秘面紗,印尼 廣藿香伴以些微苔蘚,散發出令人雀躍的麝香調。
An aromatic facet, timeless and never out of fashion, alternating between transparency and depth, its heart beats around sage and lavender. They use their paradoxes to establish this natural link between freshness and sensuality.
Finally…When it comes into contact with the skin’s heat, the base unveils its woody and refined temperament. Indonesian patchouli, enhanced by a hint of moss, draws out its signature in comforting musky notes.
愉快及有活力的前味立即帶來清新的感覺;帶點苦味及辛味的柑橘,結合檸檬及義大利佛手柑還有苦橙及胡椒等鎮出和諧的共鳴。永不退流行的香氛,在透明與深奧 之間交替,在鼠尾草與薰衣草間遊走的中味,利用香料之間的反差創造出清新與感性的自然交結。最終,當它遇上體溫,木香的優雅氣息揭開後味的神秘面紗,印尼 廣藿香伴以些微苔蘚,散發出令人雀躍的麝香調。
2009年3月6日 星期五
Elevated urinary xanthurenate may be produced from dietary tryptophan even when there is no extra tryptophan challenge. In such cases, vitamin BB insufficiency is significant enough to interfere with even the normal conversion of dietary tryptophan When piglets were used to study vitamin B6 deficiency, urinary levels of kynurcnate and xanthurcnate were elevated early in vitamin B6 deficiency, and continued to rise as the deficiency worsened.
All Vendors/Agents are responsible for assuring merchandise is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, governing the import of merchandise into the United States, including Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 and Lacey Act of 2008.
It is the responsibility of the manufacturer, supplier, or importer to provide the proper Material Safety Data Sheet (“MSDS”) at the time of the first shipment to XXX. In addition, the manufacturer, supplier, or importer shall provide updated MSDS information within 24 hours of any formulation change to the product, or if the current MSDS is found to contain inaccurate information. In addition to MSDS, the manufacturer, supplier, or importer is responsible for providing to XXX such hazardous material information as is required by Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 100 through 185. XXX cannot ship to consumers any product with a hazard classification more restrictive than “ORMD”.
製造商、供應商及進口商應於第一次出貨至XXX時負責提供正確之安全資料表,若產品配方異動或原安全資料表資料有誤,需於24小時內提供更新版本;此外, 製造商、供應商及進口商應依據 TITLE 49 CFR 100-185規定負責提供予XXX危險性原料資訊。XXX無法出貨與消費者任何危險性類別高於ORM D規定之產品。
製造商、供應商及進口商應於第一次出貨至XXX時負責提供正確之安全資料表,若產品配方異動或原安全資料表資料有誤,需於24小時內提供更新版本;此外, 製造商、供應商及進口商應依據 TITLE 49 CFR 100-185規定負責提供予XXX危險性原料資訊。XXX無法出貨與消費者任何危險性類別高於ORM D規定之產品。
Biotin is obtained from food, and is also produced by predominant organisms (especially bifidobacteria) in the healthy human gut. Biotin deficiency was once thought to be rare because such small amounts are required and clinical signs of deficiency are non-specific.187 It was thought that only certain disorders of infancy, such as Leiners disease (desquamative erythroderma) and other forms of seborrheic dermatitis, arc clinical manifestations of biotin deficiency. Recent findings are shifting the clinical outlook for biotin deficiency.
維生素H(生物素)可由食物中獲取,以可由健康人體內臟主要器官產生(尤其是比菲德氏菌)。因為生理需求量小加上臨床徵兆不明,『生物素不足』一度被視為 極罕見。以前認為只有一些特定嬰兒小疾病(如嬰兒托屑紅皮症)或脂漏性皮膚炎等才是生物素不足的臨床表現。最近的發現才改變了醫學對生物素不足的觀點。
維生素H(生物素)可由食物中獲取,以可由健康人體內臟主要器官產生(尤其是比菲德氏菌)。因為生理需求量小加上臨床徵兆不明,『生物素不足』一度被視為 極罕見。以前認為只有一些特定嬰兒小疾病(如嬰兒托屑紅皮症)或脂漏性皮膚炎等才是生物素不足的臨床表現。最近的發現才改變了醫學對生物素不足的觀點。
文章 (Atom)
◆開課日期:2011年6月15日(星期三) ◆上課時間:每星期三 19.00-21.00 ◆上課地點:三多路新光三越旁(一個很安靜,而且舒服的地方,非公共空間),離捷運站出口走路約3分鐘◆只收6人,報名從速!!! ◆上課內容是跟同學生活上有關的課程和話題加上活動,刺激同學...
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