Colombia's infrastructure requires significant updating in order to sustain expansion. Economic growth slipped in 2008 as a result of the global financial crisis and weakening demand for Colombia's exports. The government has also encouraged exporters to diversify their customer base away from the United States and Venezuela, Colombia's largest trading partners. Nevertheless, the business sector continues to be concerned about the impact of a global recession on Colombia's exports. The GDP - per capita (PPP) is USD$8900 in 2008 and the services sector has dedicated 54% of the GDP.
2009年6月7日 星期日
Precedence over Purchasing Productions and Services by Physical and Mental Disabled Welfare Institutions, Organizations and Shelter workshops regulation
Promulgated by Order Nei-Shou-Chung-She-Tzu No. 0940715576 October 12, 2005
Revised title “Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physically and Mentally welfare institutions and organizations regulation” to “Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physical and Mental Disabled welfare institutions, organizations and shelter workshops regulation” and whole text amended.
第一條 本辦法依身心障礙者權益保障法(以下簡稱本法)第六十九條第三項規定訂定之。
Article 1
The regulation is concluded in compliance with Protection Act for Rights and Interests of (Physically and Mentally) Disabled Citizens (hereinto “ the Act”) Article 69, Item 3.
第十条 本辦法自發佈日施行。
Article 10
This Regulation will take effect as of the date of promulgation.
Precedence over Purchasing Productions and Services by Physical and Mental Disabled Welfare Institutions, Organizations and Shelter workshops regulation
Promulgated by Order Nei-Shou-Chung-She-Tzu No. 0940715576 October 12, 2005
Revised title “Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physically and Mentally welfare institutions and organizations regulation” to “Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physical and Mental Disabled welfare institutions, organizations and shelter workshops regulation” and whole text amended.
第一條 本辦法依身心障礙者權益保障法(以下簡稱本法)第六十九條第三項規定訂定之。
Article 1
The regulation is concluded in compliance with Protection Act for Rights and Interests of (Physically and Mentally) Disabled Citizens (hereinto “ the Act”) Article 69, Item 3.
第十条 本辦法自發佈日施行。
Article 10
This Regulation will take effect as of the date of promulgation.
文章 (Atom)
◆開課日期:2011年6月15日(星期三) ◆上課時間:每星期三 19.00-21.00 ◆上課地點:三多路新光三越旁(一個很安靜,而且舒服的地方,非公共空間),離捷運站出口走路約3分鐘◆只收6人,報名從速!!! ◆上課內容是跟同學生活上有關的課程和話題加上活動,刺激同學...
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