2011.07.15 03:55 am
金融海嘯重創英國,事後女王問道:此等重大危機,何以沒有一個經濟學家預見?女王的質疑震動學界,大英學院慎重回應:金融界風險管理者總想以小搏大(the widow's cruse),但忽略了市場風險,集體想像矇蔽下,管理機制終至失靈(drop dead)。
華爾街金童勇於提出看似合法卻極端不合理的條件(pound of flesh),自以為面面俱到(cover all the bases)。但終日打雁,終被雁啄(Live by the sword,die by the sword.)。學界認為玩火自焚,不考慮「意外」,正是罪魁禍首。反對者認為此說了無新意(all show and no go),也聯名上書女王,指出經濟學研究與現實脫節,才是主因。
為何我們找不到遺失物品?因為我們老是在它不在的地方找,而不在它的所在位置去找。這個笑話讓我們知道,事前無法預知,事後眾說紛紜,是生活常態。哈佛教授巴涅特剛出道時,接到研究案,獲邀預判「千年蟲」(Y2K)可能的危機,當時他天馬行空地想像:華爾街關閉一星期、美國空運停止運作十天、即時供應鏈毀損等等,此般諸多推演,在911恐怖攻擊後被,統統派上用場,顯示他筆端千鈞力,刀槍也難敵(the pen is mightier than the sword)的功力。巴涅特思考時,能和華爾街金童一樣勇於擺脫陳窠老套(to think inside the box),但不同處則在於處處設訂風險控管及因應措施,有如孫子強調的安國全軍之道。
孫子強調廟算,要我們嚴肅考慮五大因素:「一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法」,但搞懂這五個項目,勝負就可以立判了嗎?非也,因為廟算追求勝率,也在風險控管,五項因素只是大項,而非全部,決策者要跳出窠臼(think outside the box),不能畫地自限,只考慮這五項,否則盲點叢生,結局就會崩盤。
例:"He called the scheme the widow's cruse, hoping the return to go a long way and to be inexhaustible."「他把方案形容成聚寶盆,利潤將會滾滾而來。」
"Those smart people did not take the needed balanced decisions and the whole market simply drop dead."「這些人聰明絕頂卻漫不經心,把整個市場玩到失靈。」
"To some, their explanation is all show and no go."「他們解釋地頭頭是道,但還是有人不以為然。」
"They have gotten their pound of flesh but still demand more, without knowing any resulting crisis is laid clearly at their feet."「他們貪得無厭,對自己造下的惡業毫無所悉。」
"They thought the schemes they worked out could have covered all the bases."「他們以為炮製的方案已經面面俱到,無懈可擊。」
"The financial consultant who organized so many schemes lost eventually all he had in the crisis. Live by the sword, die by the sword."「理財專員設局坑人,自己也不得善終,真可謂終日打雁,終被雁啄。」
"Hence the saying, the pen is mightier than the sword. On the other hand, Tom Barnett's predictions depict that lack of knowledge means powerlessness."「知識就是力量,巴涅特的預測告訴我們:筆端千鈞力,刀槍也難敵。」
"Don't think inside the box, for that's where solid snake is hiding; to solve the problem, we need to think outside the box."「因循苟且不能進步,跳脫窠臼才能成事。」
【2011/07/15 經濟日報】