2014年1月16日 星期四

英文作文:看圖寫作 驚險時刻 (學測、指考英文作文,全民英檢中級寫作)


英文作文:看圖寫作 驚險時刻

It was a wonderful, charming day. Andy and John decided to go cycling after a few rain-pouring days.
They rode pretty fast since there was no one on the road. They enjoyed the gentle breeze and chirps of birds as well as flower fragrance. “What a wonderful day for biking!” John told Andy cheerfully.  They were so delighted as to pedal faster and faster, while failing to notice a truck approaching.  When they saw the truck, John thought he was going to crash into it. The momentary panic made John fall off. The truck was about to run over him, and John closed his eyes thinking that was the end of his life.
At that moment, a man in a red “special inside-out” underwear and black panty hose appeared. He got muscle all over his body and looked weird, but was powerful like Hercules. All of them couldn’t believe their eyes:  It was Superman.  Superman grabbed John so as to get away from the tires of the truck. John was really grateful but felt deeply embarrassed about what he had gone through.
“Do you know what a great danger you had just overcome?” said Superman seriously. “I rode so fast that I may get into a big trouble or lose my life. I promise I will never do that again.” Andy and John had learned a big lesson. After this incident, they still ride bike together, but never overspeed and always pay full attention to the surrounding.  241



