2011年11月18日 星期五


電 影《功夫》裡豬籠城寨遭斧頭幫欺凌,不得安寧(put a damper on their peace);居民還擊,個個身手不凡:賣力氣的苦力強是12路譚腿高手;麵店老闆油炸鬼擅長五郎八卦棍;裁縫店裁縫是洪家鐵線拳傳人;包租公與包租婆是 神鵰俠侶-男的是太極拳高手,女的竟會「獅子吼」!三兩下打得歹人狗吃屎(bite the dust),歹徒這才知道在太歲頭上動土(beard the lion in his den )。
武林高手喋血一生(to fight like Kilkenny cats),最終選擇隱姓埋名,無非取其「從眾」(all cats are gray in the dark),金盆洗手之意。但也有人故意藏鋒,像古龍小說《風雲第一刀》中的荊無命,左手劍法讓他江湖成名,足以力擋強敵(keep his enemy at bay);但其右手劍其實更勝一籌,一旦必殺技(game changer)出手,對手定然死亡,也因而無人知曉此一秘密。
中國人的觀念傾向守密,因為可以穩操勝算(bet our bottom dollar);但西方賽局理論則認為:擁有足以嚇阻對方蠢動的核子武器,卻不讓對方知道,這種想法只能自我壯膽(be whistling in the dark),事實上沒有任何戰略意義。
例:"The invading gangsters are about to put a damper on the peace in the neighborhood."「歹徒囂張橫行,小鎮不得安寧。」"All the Axe gangsters bit the dust when the inhabitants hit back."「居民反擊,斧頭幫潰不成軍。」
"Attacking these Kung-fu masters in the small village is like bearding the lion in his den."「攻擊這些化身市井小民的功夫大師,等於太歲頭上動土。」
"People say, 'All cats are gray in the dark,' the difference between them and the ordinary people counted with these Kung-fu masters."「功夫大師在意他們和市井小民之間(外表上)的差別,因為他們就希望自己不要鶴立雞群。」
"To win the zero-sum game, they need to fight like Kilkenny cats."「戰況激烈,雙方拚得你死我活。」"For Jin Wu-ming, fighting with a sword in his left hand is a way of keeping his enemy at bay."「荊無命左手劍使得虎虎生風,力拒群雄。」
"No one knows he can handle sword with his right hand dexterously. If he goes ahead by surprise it will be a game changing moment."「無人知曉他右手使劍如此威猛;所以他一旦出手,擋者披靡。」
"We would bet our bottom dollar that these Kung-fu masters under the disguise of ordinary people will overwhelm the gangsters."「我們可以確信:這些隱身於野的功夫大師必然打敗歹徒。」
"The Russians seem pretty sure they would win the war with the Doomsday Machine, but they might just be whistling in the dark."「俄國人以為擁有別人不知道的秘密武器,就能贏得戰爭,殊不知這只是自我壯膽而已。」

【2011/11/18 經濟日報】

全文網址: 讀孫子兵法學英文/必殺技 | 商業企管 | 財經產業 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/6725240.shtml#ixzz1e5w1PeYf
Power By udn.com

2011年11月10日 星期四

Workplace Deals, Sealed With a Kiss?

A line has formed to bid farewell to a longtime colleague who has taken a new job. At last, it's your turn to say goodbye. You:
a) Shake hands
b) Hug
c) Bro-hug
d) Fist bump
e) Chest bump
f) High five
g) Single-cheek kiss
h) Double-cheek kiss
i) Air kiss, with a loud "Mwah!" noise
The correct answer: Unclear.
The "right" response depends on the shifting workplace culture, shaped by increasing international diversity, age differences and workers' casual communications styles. As a result of the confusion, many people hesitate, or can be paralyzed with uncertainty over what's appropriate.
A colleague's going-away party and you stick out your hand to wish him well, but he leans in for a hug and you bump somewhere in between. Another colleague air kisses him on the cheek. Sue Shellenbarger on Lunch Break looks at awkward work manners.
Ashley M. Harris worked for a San Antonio, Texas, public-relations agency that was very "huggy," she says. "You would walk into a meeting and give your client a kiss on the cheek and a hug, saying, 'How good to see you,' while holding onto their arm," she says. "It took a lot for me personally to get used to the hugging."
But at a university where she later worked, she threw her arms around a former professor of hers, and "he literally did a step back" and tensed, she says. "I backed up and said, 'Omigosh, I'm so sorry.' " She stuck thereafter to greeting him with a friendly, two-handed handshake, denoting warmth, she says.
"There's never been a more confusing time in the workplace" to figure out the rules of contact, says executive recruiter Jeff Kaye.

Mr. Kaye, co-chief executive of Kaye/Bassman International in Dallas, allows a "split-second reaction time" to see what the other person does before making contact to avoid offending anyone.
The traditional handshake is still the rule in finance, banking and law—unless you're celebrating somebody's promotion or new job, when a hug or back pat is OK. Kisses and hugs are welcomed by entertainers and restaurateurs, and many twentysomething guys favor bro-hugs.

Discuss on the Juggle

  • Have you ever faced questions about how to greet someone at work or during a business trip? What are your personal rules about greeting clients or business contacts?
The four generations currently in the work world often differ on what is suitable physical contact. Gen-Y workers often see greetings as a chance to establish a distinct identity, says Bruce Tulgan, an author and consultant on generational issues in New Haven, Conn. "They aspire to be a little different," he says, with a "customized self-presentation and style. Uniqueness is very important to them," he says.
Silicon Valley has so many international workers that almost any greeting goes—"cheek-kissing, bowing, the chin nod, and the eyebrow raise with a big smile," says Carolyn Hughes, a vice president at SimplyHired.com, a Mountain View, Calif., job-search site. Extend the traditional American handshake to a woman from parts of Eastern Europe or Asia, though, and you might offend.

Ms. Hughes, 43, tailors her greetings to how she actually feels about someone. "I'm a hugger," she says. "If I'm seeing you for the second time and I like you, the odds are high that you're going to get a big hug from me." She even hugged a job applicant recently when he arrived for his second interview with her. The embrace caught the recruit by surprise, she says, but it also sparked a more candid conversation. "He proceeded to be incredibly open with me. It was like we were old friends."
The worst gaffes happen when people try to be someone they're not. Los Angeles event planner Amy Malin, 34, was preparing to give a marketing presentation to a dozen managers several years ago when an executive in his 50s walked in and greeted her with a chest-bump. "He was trying to show me, 'I'm young and I'm hip and I'm cool,' " says Ms. Malin, president of Trueheart Events. "But he was old enough to be my father. It was really awkward."
Noting her astonishment, the executive tried to explain that he wanted to do "what all the cool kids are doing," says Ms. Malin. "I was laughing pretty hard and so was everyone else in the room, and I said, 'Not in my circle.' " She adds that the executive was a little embarrassed, but was able to laugh.
Complicating the rules of engagement are office celebrations and parties. In his job as an analyst for a New York City financial-services company, Ismail Humet has been taught in sexual-harassment courses that physical "contact is very minimal."
But when an employee leaves for a new job, co-workers hug each other freely. "Although you have all these boundaries and rules, suddenly in that moment they seem to disappear," he says.
Parties bring co-workers' personal feelings and friendships to the fore, turning protocol upside down.
When a previous employer threw a going-away party for Phyllis Hartman after she took a new job, she was surprised when dozens of her co-workers lined up to hug her.
As a human-resource executive at the employer, a professional association, she had to be "pretty tough" with some of the employees, enforcing disciplinary rules, says Ms. Hartman, owner of PGHR Consulting in Pittsburgh. Nevertheless, there were hugs all around. "I remember thinking, 'I didn't think that guy even liked me. Maybe he's just happy I'm leaving,' " she says.



2011年11月4日 星期五

讀孫子兵法學英文/手段高明 take the cake


2011.11.04 03:01 am

手段高明 take the cake


根據專書《蒙娜麗莎失竊記》記載:羅浮宮漆匠裴路加受某神秘「先生」指使,拿了「前金」(layaway plan),夥同內應順利作案。得手後裴路加守著名畫,癡癡等「先生」攜來豐厚的酬金(fast buck),心想鉅款到手,便可手頭闊綽(as rich as Croesus),雖然等待時間難熬,但內心卻不禁狂喜(as pleased as Punch)。

奇怪的是,「先生」要裴洛加好好保管名畫,卻從此杳無蹤影。原來,唆使他偷竊名畫的是個巨騙,名叫伐爾菲諾,他找了擅製偽畫的蕭得隆,已經摹繪六幅假畫,更找定願意在蒙娜麗莎忽然神秘流入市場時收購珍藏的買主。竊案爆發,每個買主篤信自己擁有「蒙娜麗莎」真跡,可見手段何其高明(take the cake)。

果然,這狸貓換太子(to change the baby prince for a leopard cat)高招,讓每位付出30萬美元的買主成了冤大頭(splurge on themselves),也就是說半年內共有180萬美元的進帳,這還是百年前的幣值(時價約5,000萬美元)!

伐爾菲諾一手搞定(lock, stock, and barrel)所有關節:他找漆匠當內應,實現「不知山林、險阻、沮澤之形者,不能行軍;不用嚮導,不能得地利」兵法精髓趁勢撈錢。

他料定買主和竊賊不敢張揚,得手後奢華(Life of Riley)過日,把裴路加完全蒙在鼓裡,僅僅給蠅頭小利(chicken feed),這也是孫子「施無法之賞,懸無政之令。犯三軍之眾,若使一人。犯之以事,勿告以言;犯之以害,勿告以利。投之亡地然後存,陷之死地然後生。夫眾陷於害,然後能為勝敗」上乘兵法表現。

例:"Vincenzo Peruggia agreed to steal Mona Lisa and got paid on the layaway plan offered by a mysterious gentleman."「裴路加收下神秘人物訂金,答應竊取蒙娜麗莎名畫。」

“He tried to make a fast buck from the art theft case.”「他希望從這個藝術品竊案中大撈一筆。」

"He would do anything to fulfill his childhood dream of being as rich as Croesus."「他從小立志賺大錢,也願誓死達成目標。」

"Peruggia felt as pleased as Punch while waiting the further instructions from his business associate."「裴路加等待進一步指示,心中卻無限暢快。」

"It's the con masters in this art theft case that really took the cake."「整個案子手段最高的是那些主謀份子。」

"These collectors would splurge on themselves and bought the stolen portrait."「這些闊佬花錢找樂子,買下這幅失竊的名畫。」

"Eduardo de Valfierno offers a grand strategy which covers operational management aspects lock, stock and barrel."「伐爾菲諾策獨自搞定整個案子,完全不假他人。」

“The con master gave the painter a little chicken feed while he himself lived the life of Riley forever.”「巨騙給漆匠一點零頭,自己卻過著富埒王侯的生活。」


【2011/11/04 經濟日報】

2011年10月14日 星期五


柯 西拉(雅典盟邦)與柯林斯(斯巴達盟邦)齟齬日久,劍拔弩張,雙方數百艘船艦對峙,大有一觸即發之勢。因各有後台(sticking it to the man),所以有恃無恐。雅典擔心斯巴達誤判,雖然派艦助陣,但數目區區十艘,統帥卻多達三名,其中Lacedaemonius大將,對斯巴達還最友善。
希臘領袖伯里克里斯老臣謀國,深知局外人根本搞不清楚狀況(can't make head or tail of something),夸夸其談者('the boy who cried wolf'或a'Chicken Little'),或一心以為鴻鵠將至(build it and they will come)者,其實只會誤事。
伯里克里斯怕失信盟邦,故派兵助陣,得免「毫無作為」(in the doldrums)之譏;但大舉增兵相助,又讓他人有快意行事(Go ahead, make my day.)之虞;故派Lacedaemonius擔任統帥,一方面告訴敵方:連最友善的雅典人都請赴戰場,可見同仇敵愾;萬一失利,也可順便幫雅典除去內 賊,進而凝聚士氣。
孫子說:「凡治眾如治寡,分數是也;鬥眾如鬥寡,形名是也」,也就是說組織工作,對內對外都需要高明的通訊聯絡手段。伯里克里斯想方設法,避免政敵步調不 一(march to a different drummer),同時也為萬一戰事失利事先找好理由。這項工作難度極高(a herculean task),所以苦心孤詣(stay on the straight and narrow),意在一箭雙鵰,治國能力高強,難怪雅典經他治理,形成一方霸主。
例:"'Sticking it to the man' is their diplomatic principle and political justification, for there is something about it that feels so right."「緊抱強權大腿,是他們的外交指導和政治理念,如此這般好像也有若干道理。」
"Pericles assumes that the Athens can not make head or tail of his grand strategy."「伯里克里斯認為:清楚國家大戰略來龍去脈的雅典人不多。」
"He believes the way to express the crisis matters. He tries to avoid being 'the boy who cried wolf' or a 'Chicken Little', for his supporters would become numb to his claims."「國難當頭,如何知會國人,這會是個大學問。他避免夸夸其談,免得支持者失去熱忱。」
"As a Guardian, Pericles wants to avoid a 'build it and they will come' mindset."「身為老臣,伯里克里斯不敢一心以為鴻鵠將至。」"Sending no ships means the alliance is in the doldrums, every nation will feel the effects."「若不派船參戰,同盟等於瓦解,各國看在眼裡,後果不容小覷。」
"Pericles refused to send more ships for he did not want his ally to be in the 'Go ahead, make my day' camp."「伯里克里斯拒絕多派戰艦,免得盟友快意行事。」
"Before engaging a war, Pericles wants to get rid of those who seem to march to the beat of a different drummer."「除掉步調不一的人,伯里克里斯才行參戰。」
"It seems like a herculean task to assign Lacedaemonius to serve as the commander."「任命Lacedaemonius擔任指揮官,是件艱鉅而意味深遠的工程。」
"A grand strategy will help a country stay on the straight and narrow during every phase of its security policy."「全程落實國安政策時,優越的大戰略可以讓該國享受苦心孤詣行事的美好成果。」
【2011/10/14 經濟日報】

全文網址: 讀孫子兵法學英文/苦心孤詣 | 商業企管 | 財經產業 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/6650680.shtml#ixzz1amtjrjAB
Power By udn.com

2011年10月7日 星期五


尷尬糗事 skeleton in the closet
我們可以想像,聽完話後,媽媽有多麼焦慮。因為這些信件會讓年少輕狂的尷尬糗事(skeleton in the closet)曝光,甚至變成被人揭瘡疤(picking at the scab)的笑柄,因而糟蹋(throw pearls to swine)了作者當時的天真情懷。
最近「維基解密」公布美國外交官員,私底下與各國政治人物的對話記錄,內幕辛辣,民眾爭相傳誦(sell like hotcakes),引發政壇騷動。這些機密電報,原本就是不能見光的密室行為(behind-the-scenes work),難怪當事人紛紛提出辯解,因為殺傷力實在太大(pay through the nose)。
維基解密公布數十萬分機密電報,讓許多當政者手足無措(all thumbs),他們位居要津,皆非等閒之輩(Tom, Dick and Harry),從彼等口中套出的意見,內容特別珍貴。孫子:「五間之事,主必知之,知之必在於反間,故反間不可不厚也」。外交單位想必都已特別留意(be all ears),採取及時行動,分析電報內容,拼湊各國政壇全貌,作為解讀政情參考。
例:"Mom is shocked to know those letters are dispatched to the neighborhood, for some of them are skeletons in the closet."「那些信件記載許多尷尬往事,一旦流落街坊,難怪媽媽震驚無比。」
"They have been picking at the scab of the adolescent memory. Those letters remind them of."「信上記載的年少輕狂,讓他們抓到把柄,痛揭瘡疤。」
"Those readers are not interested in what you have to say. Let them access to the letters is like throwing pearls to swine."「一般讀者哪裡知道你用心良苦。讓他們看到信件內容,純然是一種糟蹋。」
"Since gossips got out about the local politicians, the leaks have been selling like hot cakes."「洩密的內容牽涉地方官員的八卦,難怪喧騰一時,久久不已。」
"There's a lot of behind-the-scenes work reported on the diplomatic cables."「外交電報中,敘述許多幕後折衝內幕。」
"Those who are not good at diplomatic language paid through the nose when they find their dirty big mess exposed to the public."「一旦談話內容曝光,這些不擅外交辭令的人,紛紛付出重大代價。」
"People are all ears and annoyed when they find these politicians use straight talks to drive traffic to benefit their interests, albeit in an all-thumbs way."「這些政治人物技巧差勁,吃相難看,民眾關心之餘,感到十分心痛。」
"The names mentioned on the cables are political veterans, not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry."「電報引述的人物都是政壇翹楚,皆非等閒之輩。」
【2011/10/07 經濟日報】

2011年10月1日 星期六


1977 年美國總統卡特訪問波蘭,在華沙機場發表演講。有一位叫色摩爾(S. Seymour)的譯員波蘭文很菜,把卡特所說的「desires for the future」(對未來的願望)譯成波蘭文的「lusts for the future」(對未來的色慾)。卡特在演講中提到自己安全到達波蘭,色摩爾竟然譯成「總統離開美國,永不會回去」。
【2011/10/01 聯合報】

2011年9月17日 星期六


華爾街日報報導中共首艘航母試航,讀者投書電子版留言高達500多則,其中有許多視為酸葡萄(sour grapes),有人視為凶兆(the crack of doom),但也有主張放棄台灣,作為賠償中國國債,以為綏靖。
美國是民主國家,言論自由不足為奇,但放棄台灣,以避免和中共衝突的聲浪,這種說法詭異(a different kettle of fish),尤因事涉台灣安全,殊值注意。
俗話說「非我族類,其心必異」(He must be devious since he is not my kin.),美國南方也有類似說法:"You're not from around here, are you?" 指的都是把難以捉摸的變數(you never know what will come over the horizon)當成「虎有傷人心」(always fear the unknown)。因此美國人對中共航母說三道四(have an ax to grind),雖說是人之常情,但我們不能等閒視之。
因為中美兩國齟齬日增,台灣夾在中間左右為難(This is a fine kettle of fish!),孫子說:「辭卑而備者,進也;辭強而進驅者,退也;」許多外交辭令,或者一般民意表達,其實不能光以字面解讀,決策者要佐以事實,才能作為進退的準據。
無論如何,像鴕鳥般地對危機視而不見(burying your head in the sand),或者像麋鹿被疾駛而來的車燈迷惑(to freeze like a deer in headlights)而身置險境,均非智者所為。
例:"Many WSJ readers don't think it's such a great idea for Chinese to have an airplane carrier - and that's seemingly just sour grapes because the US owes China 1.4 trillion dollars."「許多華爾街日報讀者對於中國擁有航母不以為然,在美國積欠中國1.4兆債務之際,這種說法顯得有點酸葡萄。」
"For them, China's flexing her naval muscle is akin to the crack of doom."「中國擴展海權,對他們而言,就是一種凶兆。」
"America used to be the only superpower and China is taking over. But giving up Taiwan is a completely different kettle of fish."「美國獨一的霸權地位固然受到中國挑戰,但放棄台灣卻又是兩碼子事。」
“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. We never know what will come over the horizon.”「兩強相爭,必然傷及無辜,誰也不能擔保局勢不會有變化。」
"People will always fear the unknown because of possible harm."「對於不可知的未來,人總因為可能受到傷害而心感畏懼。」
"Many Americans have an ax to grind about the fact that Chinese is trying to become a naval power."「中國試圖成為海上強權,許多美國人對此不以為然。」
"That's a fine kettle of fish - we don't let American beef in while we have to acquire those needed new jets."「事情顯得棘手:我們不讓美國牛肉進口,同時又想購買美國戰機。」
"We should not bury our head in the sand and try to ignore the problem."「問題來臨,不能一味逃避。」
"In moments of tensions, our worst default reaction will be to freeze like a deer in headlights and prevent any changes at all costs."「事態緊急之際,尤其不能呆若木雞,不知應變。」
【2011/09/16 經濟日報】

2011年9月8日 星期四


2011.09.09 03:23 am

騙得死死 hook,line,and sinker

上市公司經營團隊利多不斷,身為投資者,你要不要相信?流氓國家聲稱沒有核生化武器,身為強國談判者,你該不該相信?我們都知道決策需要情報,但關係重大的情報,其真偽難以證實,心理上我們會「寧可信其有」,還會火速採取行動,因為我們以為危機就在眼前(because it's there)。

某大廠總經理去職之後,新經營團隊內部稽核,發現某區庫存及應收帳款異常,公司斷然處置(go cold turkey),決定提供該地區通路銷貨折讓,認列損失新台幣數十億元。經查出錯的地區,竟然是前總經理戰功最輝煌,藉以發跡的地區。公司這才知道,當時前任老總的傑出表現竟然是雙面刃(two-edged sword),而其高深莫測(grinning like a Cheshire cat)的銷售表現,只是遮人耳目的花招。

美軍入侵伊拉克,當時言之鑿鑿的理由,是伊拉克擁有大規模殺傷武器,事後證明子虛烏有,有人說海珊沒有那麼壞(black as one is painted),一般法治國家對被告在證明有罪之前都是清白的(Innocent until proven guilty),但他的下場是未經審判已經定罪,難怪有人說這一切都是戰爭販子(war mongering)挑起的,但當時所有證據都指向對海珊不利的一面。

瑞典前外長布利斯擔任聯合國伊拉克調查團團長,說當時只有法國總統席哈克一個人獨持異議,因為席哈克認為各國情報人員向來只會人云亦云,不敢假定自己判斷有誤(rational ignorance)。孫子說:「死間者,為誑事於外,令吾聞知之而傳於敵間也;」即冒著生命危險向敵方提供假情報的我方特工,有死間從中攪局,稍一不查,敵人就會被他騙得死死(hook, line, and sinker.),可見懷疑自己的判斷可能出錯這件事有多麼困難,又何其重要。

例:"Just because it's there, does it mean it is true?"「東西擺在眼前,我還是不敢確定真假。」

"Finally the company went cold turkey on the sales performance of that area and tried its best to stop the bleeding."「公司對於該地區之銷售狀況失去信心,採取斷然處置作為以便止血。」

"His great performance was a real double-edged sword because he never felt he could communicate with other people."「他表現傑出,卻因此和別人格格不入,可謂利弊互見。」

"Before the scandal, the former boss has been grinning like a Cheshire cat,and the rest of his colleagues were looking pretty chuffed."「案發前,原來的老闆總是笑口常開,一派高深莫測,把同仁蒙在鼓裡。」

"Shylock is not as black as he is painted. He seems quite generous to the orphans."「夏洛克非常善待那些孤兒們,人們對他似乎誤會很大。」

"Everyone is entitled to wish the court to consider him innocent until he is proven to be guilty."「未經審判定讞,人人都應該被無罪看待,這是每個人的權利。」

"People said the whole warfare was caused by the war mongers who make a living off the invasion."「有人說:這根本是戰爭販子掀起藉以發財的侵略。」

"Because information is costly to gather and process, decision makers often practice rational ignorance: they decide with incomplete information."「情報得來不易,在情報不足時,決策者就必須在自知有可能出錯的狀態下做出決定。」

"The spy made up such a good story that we fell for it hook, line, and sinker."「這個間諜說詞言之鑿鑿,我們全部上了大當。」


【2011/09/09 經濟日報】

2011年9月2日 星期五

Blowing off steam? An outburst of swearing actually raises your stress levels 發洩怒氣?飆髒話其實增加你的壓力

《中英對照讀新聞》Blowing off steam? An outburst of swearing actually raises your stress levels 發洩怒氣?飆髒話其實增加你的壓力
It’s news that might surprise foul-mouthed celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay and Wayne Rooney.
Scientists now believe that swearing actually increases, not decreases, our stress levels.
This is because using foul language triggers a reaction deep inside the emotional centre of the brain, according to a study.
The research contradicts the long-held belief that uttering a string of profanities when something goes wrong is a natural way of letting off steam.
The researchers asked trial participants to read from three lists - one with swear words on it, another with euphemisms of those swear words, and a third containing neutral words, and then measured the volunteers’ autonomic responses by electrodermal activity. They found that swearing was more stressful than not swearing.
Lead researcher Professor Jeffrey Bowers, of Bristol University’s School of Experimental Psychology, said: ’Taboo words can evoke strong emotions even when they are uttered without any desire to offend.’
blow off steam:動詞片語,發洩怒氣。
foul-mouthed:形容詞,滿嘴髒話的。例句:Her father is a foul-mouthed man and always blows off steam at her mother.(她的爸爸是滿嘴髒話的人,總是拿她媽出氣。)
profanity:名詞(常用複數形),褻瀆的言語或行為,不雅話。例句:The politician uttered many profanities in his speech.(這名政治人物在他的演講中說了很多髒話。)

《中英對照讀新聞》NYC caught napping among world’s most 24-hour cities 全球不夜城排行榜表現不佳 紐約市措手不及

《中英對照讀新聞》NYC caught napping among world’s most 24-hour cities 全球不夜城排行榜表現不佳 紐約市措手不及 ◎張沛元
So New York is the city that never sleeps? Tick that off as just another urban myth.
A new study about the world’s most 24-hour cities ranks New York 32nd on the list, well behind Cairo, Montevideo, Beirut and Malaga and Zaragoza, both in Spain, which captured the top five spots.
Almost every European capital came ahead of New York, with London ranking 17th, Paris 18th, Rome 27th, Lisbon 15th, and even Brussels, commonly thought of as being a sleepy bureaucratic town, came in 11th place in the ranking by the social networking site Badoo.com.
"This will confirm the fears of those who say that New York has grown sterile and sleepy," said Lloyd Price, Badoo’s director of marketing. "Some will call it a humiliation."
The ranking is based on an analysis of 120 million online chats spanning 122 million people in 180 countries, which showed activity peaked in Cairo at nearly 1 a.m., which is much later than New York.
be caught napping:慣用語,事發時未預先做好準備;措手不及。例句:As the investigations into the serial blasts progress, it becomes clear that the police were caught napping despite warnings and alerts from the Intelligence bureau over the past couple of months.(隨著連續爆炸案的調查工作持續進展,儘管情報局過去2個月來曾提出警告與警戒,爆炸案顯然令警方措手不及。)
tick something off:慣用語,列清單。例句:He had lots of objections, and he ticked them off one after another.(他有很多異議,並逐一列舉。)


2011.09.02 04:11 am


神諭晦澀難解嗎?耶魯大學教授卡根認為不然:前來神廟請教迷津者眾,三教九流(the grass roots)都有,等待時間漫長,廟方耳目密布,故能探知來意,祭師消息靈通,不必偏袒一方(black and white),研判可以從容(wait and see when the dust settles),故能對症下藥。克里索斯敗亡,問題不在神諭,而在對號入座(if the shoe fits, wear it)太早,沒有針對疑點繼續求證。

祭師消息靈通,但絕非不知人間疾苦(gazing down from on high),神廟也非高高在上的象牙塔(an ivory tower),它其實就是情報中心,這也是大家前來問卜(其實是套取情報)主因,只不過廟門大開廣迎四方來客,不便把話講死(in black and white),以免自打嘴巴(past comes back to haunt us),這是待客之道,也讓神諭多半靈驗,這正是神廟香火鼎盛的原因。

台灣俗語:「站高山看馬相踢」(直譯:Stand by and watch the two horses kick each other.),所仗恃者,是情報靈通。神廟屹立多年,情報向來正確,但前來問津,仍須萬分謹慎,以免有遺珠之憾(walking past $100 bills on the sidewalk)。孫子說:「故三軍之事,莫親於間,賞莫厚於間,事莫密於間」,也強調「廟算」(舉兵前比較雙方實力),就要透過間諜反覆查明情報真實性,以免利底亞覆轍。

例:"The temple shares the grass roots truth for it has been gathering information all along."「神廟平日周諮博採,所見當然入木三分。」

"The priests wait until the dust settles before people mention anything else."「不管一方說詞如何,祭師總是在水落石出後行動。」

"The issue of the conflict isn't as black and white from the lens of the priest in the temple."「廟方祭師認為,衝突不能用非黑即白兩分法論斷。」

"The priest just puts the shoe out there, the king is the one that puts it on and announced to everyone that it fits him."「祭師才拋出觀點,國王就對號入座。」

"The sober priest, gazing down from on high, renders direction critical to his state's future."「祭師道貌岸然,冷靜地指出他的國家重要的未來方向。」

"They manage to live in the real world rather than an ivory tower."「他們想方設法,努力不與群眾脫節。」

"The priests tend not to establish the oracles in black and white, avoiding past comes back to haunt them."「祭師儘量不把神諭說死,以免自打嘴巴。」

"Failure to verify your information is like walking past $100 bills lying on the sidewalk."「要查明你的情報真實性,以免產生遺珠之憾。」


【2011/09/02 經濟日報】

2011年8月27日 星期六


2011.08.26 03:19 am

漁翁得利 third man in takes the prize

米奇‧麥迪法學院畢業,受聘律師事務所,薪水高福利好,工作伊始頗受重用,旋即被FBI盯上,獲告律師樓其實是毒梟洗錢中心,要他擔任內線舉發黑幕。米奇進退兩難(between the devil and the deep blue sea),因為擔任內應,違背律師保密信條,會喪失律師資格;不答應合作,遲早東窗事發,一樣脫身不得,兩者均非上策(Hobson's choice),難怪米奇夫婦驚惶失措(eyes as wide as owls),不知如何是好。

黑白兩道夾殺 進退兩難

以上情節是暢銷書《The Firm》情節,黑白兩道都要米奇配合,開始百般示好,隨即露出猙獰面目:「順我者生,逆我者死」(If you are not for us, then you are against us.),證明先前說法都是虛偽口惠(Judas's kiss),無論米奇和哪方合作,或與哪方翻臉,都是死路一條(meet one's Waterloo),難怪書中米奇小倆口決定逃亡天涯,一輩子被黑白兩道追殺。

本書1993年翻拍電影,情節卻有重大修正:米奇不願十年寒窗付諸流水,決定擇善固執(Hercules' choice),於是影印非法資料,藏在船上,告知黑幫他無意揭發,但必須保留資料,以便以律師身分持續提供諮詢(因而保有律師資格),並揭發律師樓超收費用,以為脫身之計(他藉機脫離律師樓,同時擺脫黑道糾葛);然後通知FBI律師樓超時收費,而非洗錢,這樣FBI同樣可以掃蕩律師樓,但米奇卻可置身事外,公司垮台後仍可繼續保有律師身分!

電影中米奇深入黑白兩道糾結(there are two sides of every story),協助FBI成功取締律師樓,並將洗錢資料運送船上,作為保命符防止被黑道暗算,同時又允應黑手黨永不舉發作為交換條件,三管齊下,在FBI 和黑手黨鷸蚌相爭中取得利益(third man in takes the prize),這與孫子「兵形象水,水之行避高而趨下,兵之形避實而擊虛;水因地而制流,兵因敵而制勝」的兵法精髓不謀而合,殊值效法。

謀得保命符 隔山觀虎鬥

例:" For Mitch being a mole is the result of a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea - if he is he suffers, and if he isn't he suffers."「要不要擔任內奸,對米奇都是兩難:他真是裏外不是人。」

"Mitch thinks this is a Hobson's choice: both unfavorable and fatal options."「兩個選項都很爛,米奇根本沒有選擇餘地。」

"Abby's eyes were as wide as owls and began to panic when she knew her telephone was bugged."「得知家裡電話被竊聽,艾比驚慌失措,久久不能自已。」

"The secret agent told Mitch that 'if he is not for us then he is against us',and he will take Mitch down!"「特工要米奇好生配合,不然就要整他冤枉!」

"'Take care of your family.' Both the FBI and the Firm lie. The words are staining Mitch's cheek like Judas's kiss."「聯邦調查局和律師樓都要米奇『好好照顧家庭』。但此話聽在米奇耳中,簡直是死神之吻。」

"He meets his Waterloo if he agrees to become a FBI tool with a sudden death the penalty for detection."「看來答應擔任FBI的內應不是良策,因為萬一被揭穿,肯定死路一條。」

"He believes there are two sides of every question and he determines to find a way out from this quagmire."「他深入兩方意見,不偏不倚,決心找出生路脫離苦海。」

"We think Mitch has been wise in his Hercules choice."「米奇擇善固執,咸認他的抉擇是正確的。」

"Mitch was the third man in between the war of the FBI and the Mafia, and took the prize by using that rivalry to spur a fight between them."「小心周旋在聯邦調查局和黑手黨的鬥爭當中,米奇挑撥雙方,從中獲利。」


【2011/08/26 經濟日報】

2011年8月20日 星期六


World Health Organization (WHO)聯合國世界衛生組織
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
bird flu / avian flu / avian influenza / fowl plague /
suspected cases
confirmed cases
test positive
highly pathogenic suspected cases
poultry farms
disease-affected areas
disposal of animal wastes
inactive virus
influenza pandemic
strain (
respiratory symptom
human-to-human transmission
within-family transmission
mortality rate

sore throat
acute respiratory distress
viral pneumonia


紫外線 ultraviolet radiation
消毒劑 disinfectants
防護服 protective clothingmasks of N95-type
撲殺(動物) cullstamp out, destroy
獸體 carcasses
帶病毒的(動物)糞便 contaminated manure/droppings/faeces
機械性傳媒 mechanical vectors
自然宿主 natural reservoir (of bird flu viruses)
抗傳染 resistant to infection
流感流行 influenza pandemic
禽傳人 birds-to-human transmission
人傳人 human-to-human transmission, person-to-person transmission
人患禽流感 human cases of bird flu
世界衛生組織全球流感監測網路 WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network
網路實驗室 network laboratories
類禽流感 H5N1 strain
預防措施 pre-emptive measures/preventative measures
有與其他流感病毒交換基因的傾向 to have the propensity to exchange genes with influenza viruses from other species.
現有的疫苗 currently available vaccines, existing vaccines
注射疫苗 vaccinate
病毒)分離 isolate
原型病毒 prototype virus
正粘病毒 Orthomyxo Virus
哺乳動物病毒mammalian virus
流感病毒屬Influenza Virus
原型疫苗 prototype vaccine
原型病毒 H5N1prototype virus
儲存疫苗 stockpiling vaccines
突然發病 sudden onset
引發流感流行 trigging an influenza pandemic

病毒突變 mutatevirus mutation
基因交換 gene swapping
基因重組 genetic recombination
基因易變 genetically labile
宿主的防禦能力host defense
(基因)複製錯誤 replication errors
基因修復 gene repair
抗原變體antigenic variant
抗原變異 antigenic variation
抗原飄移 antigenic drift
抗原位移 antigenic shift
從病毒中獲取遺傳物質 scrambling/acquiring genetic materials from human and avian viruses
混合器” “mixing vessel”
流感的亞型 influenza subtype
自然免疫力 natural immunity


Nonstructural Protein
Matrix Protein
world organization for animal health (OIE)
seasonal epidemics
avian influenza/ bird flu
high pathogenicity
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza/HPAI
migratory waterfowl
shore birds
prophylactic measures
rapid bedside tests
antiviral drugs
 泰米弗氯 (瑞士羅氏制藥公司研製的抗流感藥物)
M2 inhibitors
金剛(), 三環癸胺(抗病毒藥)
neuralminidase inhibitors
神經氨()酸苷酶, 唾液酸苷酶
organic solvent
diluted acid
deoxysodium cholate
lauryl sodium sulfate
ammonium ion
halogen compounds
bleaching powder
heavy metal ion


刑事案件的自訴人/公訴人被告人則分別為“private prosecutor/public prosecutor”“the accused”
仲裁中的申請人和被申請人分別是claimant respondent

2011年8月14日 星期日


2011.08.12 03:53 am

精打細算 Discretion is the better part of valor.


亨利摩根就是好萊塢電影「加勒比海海盜王」的本尊,俗話說「江山易改,本性難移」(a leopard doesn't change its spots),他根本是個唯利是圖的海盜。英國政府基於利之所在,大膽重用為馬前卒;而摩根抓住機會戮力經營,打開局面,用成績證明自己的長才(the salt of the earth)。

堂堂政府和海盜勾結,一起開發海外殖民地,這是個雙面刃(a sword with two edges)的政策。

不過,基於三個理由證明這個決策的正確性(verdict of Solomon):首先,人性好逸惡勞(Only fools and horses work.),找亡命之徒替自己打天下,何樂不為;其次,抓住海盜發財心切,贏得他們效忠的赤忱(know which side one's bread is buttered on);最後,源源不斷的海外資源進帳(their bread and butter),讓雙方獲利,合作模式得以長期經營下去。

孫子說:「凡用兵之法,將受命於君,合軍聚眾,交和而舍,莫難於軍爭。」國人的理解是:老闆只有一個,用「自己人」才能打勝仗,所以清廷要消滅鄭成功而後快;英國人精打細算(Discretion is the better part of valor)之後,能賺錢的勾當都願意做。


例:"The British government knows who Henry Morgan is but still assigns him head of the colony. It doesn't worry that a leopard doesn't change its spots."「英國政府深知亨利摩根底細,但並不在乎能否悔改,仍舊委託他出任殖民總督。」

"The British government believes even though the barrel is rotten, there will be a few good apples left among the rotten ones."「英國政府認為:再差勁的團體中,還是可以找到幾個可以重用的人。」

"These buccaneers were described as the best, the salt of the earth,particularly when their products were needed to feed the country."「這些海盜種植出來的作物廣受歡迎,搖身一變為優秀人才。」

"The British government's decision on Morgan's assignment is a sword with two edges."「英國政府關於摩根的任命,是風險十足的人事案。」

"The British government rendered a verdict of Solomon by appointing Henry Morgan the governor of the colony."「英國政府任命摩根為殖民地總督,此舉不失為良策。」

"These buccaneers won't refuse to follow the orders. They know which side their bread are buttered."「海盜們知道好歹,誠心歸順,十分聽從指揮。」

"Their business model of running the colonies is the bread and butter for both sides."「經營殖民地的商業模式,是雙方利潤的主要來源。」

"Since discretion is the better part of valor, they carefully study the opportunity and threat of using these buccaneers to conquer the Spanish citadels in Jamaica."「他們萬般慎重,小心查明運用海盜攻打西班牙在牙買加城堡的利弊得失。」


【2011/08/12 經濟日報】

2011年8月6日 星期六


實上,這幾年來,蔣勳談的美,也有很大的變化。他過去比較偏向幫助大家賞析藝術之美,但他在與聽眾愈來愈多的互動中發現,許多上班族的餘暇時間已極度有限 了,刻意附庸風雅地去欣賞音樂會、畫展已經沒有必要,重拾與周遭人的感情,重新找回「像個人樣」的生活方式,才能對美真正有所體會。

20075 Cheers雜誌

開始工作的前10年,是人生很重要的階段,但他們卻通常是11以後才下班。要戀愛,可能沒有時間戀愛;要買房子,就用世俗的固定模式買房子,找一個大家 認為有名的設計師;要結婚,但用很草率的方式結婚。我知道很多工程師經由輔導去娶烏克蘭新娘,他們可能連戀愛的時間、耐心都沒有。







2011年7月15日 星期五


2011.07.15 03:55 am

金融海嘯重創英國,事後女王問道:此等重大危機,何以沒有一個經濟學家預見?女王的質疑震動學界,大英學院慎重回應:金融界風險管理者總想以小搏大(the widow's cruse),但忽略了市場風險,集體想像矇蔽下,管理機制終至失靈(drop dead)。

華爾街金童勇於提出看似合法卻極端不合理的條件(pound of flesh),自以為面面俱到(cover all the bases)。但終日打雁,終被雁啄(Live by the sword,die by the sword.)。學界認為玩火自焚,不考慮「意外」,正是罪魁禍首。反對者認為此說了無新意(all show and no go),也聯名上書女王,指出經濟學研究與現實脫節,才是主因。

為何我們找不到遺失物品?因為我們老是在它不在的地方找,而不在它的所在位置去找。這個笑話讓我們知道,事前無法預知,事後眾說紛紜,是生活常態。哈佛教授巴涅特剛出道時,接到研究案,獲邀預判「千年蟲」(Y2K)可能的危機,當時他天馬行空地想像:華爾街關閉一星期、美國空運停止運作十天、即時供應鏈毀損等等,此般諸多推演,在911恐怖攻擊後被,統統派上用場,顯示他筆端千鈞力,刀槍也難敵(the pen is mightier than the sword)的功力。巴涅特思考時,能和華爾街金童一樣勇於擺脫陳窠老套(to think inside the box),但不同處則在於處處設訂風險控管及因應措施,有如孫子強調的安國全軍之道。

孫子強調廟算,要我們嚴肅考慮五大因素:「一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法」,但搞懂這五個項目,勝負就可以立判了嗎?非也,因為廟算追求勝率,也在風險控管,五項因素只是大項,而非全部,決策者要跳出窠臼(think outside the box),不能畫地自限,只考慮這五項,否則盲點叢生,結局就會崩盤。

例:"He called the scheme the widow's cruse, hoping the return to go a long way and to be inexhaustible."「他把方案形容成聚寶盆,利潤將會滾滾而來。」

"Those smart people did not take the needed balanced decisions and the whole market simply drop dead."「這些人聰明絕頂卻漫不經心,把整個市場玩到失靈。」

"To some, their explanation is all show and no go."「他們解釋地頭頭是道,但還是有人不以為然。」

"They have gotten their pound of flesh but still demand more, without knowing any resulting crisis is laid clearly at their feet."「他們貪得無厭,對自己造下的惡業毫無所悉。」

"They thought the schemes they worked out could have covered all the bases."「他們以為炮製的方案已經面面俱到,無懈可擊。」

"The financial consultant who organized so many schemes lost eventually all he had in the crisis. Live by the sword, die by the sword."「理財專員設局坑人,自己也不得善終,真可謂終日打雁,終被雁啄。」

"Hence the saying, the pen is mightier than the sword. On the other hand, Tom Barnett's predictions depict that lack of knowledge means powerlessness."「知識就是力量,巴涅特的預測告訴我們:筆端千鈞力,刀槍也難敵。」

"Don't think inside the box, for that's where solid snake is hiding; to solve the problem, we need to think outside the box."「因循苟且不能進步,跳脫窠臼才能成事。」


【2011/07/15 經濟日報】

2011年6月16日 星期四

讀孫子兵法學英文/公而忘私 business before pleasure

公而忘私 business before pleasure
風雪交加,隊長冒險出勤,絲毫未減損(cut no ice with)救人天職。但他審時度勢,妥善安排公事,還贏得和女郎獨處機會。這張贏得的免費入場券(an Annie Oakley)得來巧妙,機心十足,卻也沒有耽誤公事(business before pleasure)。
公事公辦,目的是避免私人藉機牟利,但政策靠人執行,不管位高權重的大老闆如何密室會商(men in the backroom),搞定大計,終究要屬下去落實。一旦得到授權,低層就不再位卑職輕(feel like a number),更因為嫻熟法令,他感到不受尊重,會使出伎倆,讓人身陷雷區(in Dutch),案子也動彈不得,這種戲碼,公私部門都很常見。
有些事情處理結果皆大歡喜,而有些事情,結果卻兩敗俱傷,原因何在?孫子說:「數罰者,困也;」就是目標清清楚楚,大家不但不遵循,還罰不怕。箇中原委便 是執行者(in charge of)的利益沒有被妥善照顧,憤而搖身變為幕後操盤者(backseat driver),專司破壞;事情演變成這種狀況,已經難以善了(over my dead body),再怎麼處罰,也無濟於事。
例:"He has heard the storm and it cuts no ice with him."「他知道氣候惡劣,但不為所動。」
"We are aware that receiving an Annie Oakley, a complimentary ticket, is a privilege, not entitlement."「努力人家才會賞臉;人家不賞臉我們要更努力。」
"There's nothing wrong with business before pleasure, as long as desire isn't always overlooked."「不要本末倒置,工作時輕鬆一點其實也無妨。」
"The men in the backroom told us that we must finish the project as soon as possible."「公司大頭要我們儘快把事情搞定。」
"After assuming the directorship, he does not feel like a number anymore."「接下總監一職,他不再感到位卑言輕。」
"The new director told me if I don't finish on time I'll really be in Dutch."「新總監告訴我,如果我不能及時完成任務,我就有罪受。」
"The boss's sister has been in charge of buying supplies at the company for many years."「老闆的小姨子當公司採購主管好多年了。」
"Tell her you're in charge now. It's time she stopped being a backseat driver."「告訴她現在當家的是你,叫她別再出餿主意了。」
"You want a raise?Over my dead body!"「想加薪?門都沒有!」(作者任教陸軍官校)
【2011/06/10 經濟日報】

讀孫子兵法學英文/誤把馮京當馬涼 looks the part

誤把馮京當馬涼 looks the part
身分竊取(identity theft),是網路時代新型詐騙手法,但冒用別人身分,遂行其他目的,卻不是新鮮事。譬如有種職業,英文叫 "look a like" 或 "impersonator",就是藝人裝扮政客或時人搞笑,以便博觀眾一粲的電視綜藝節目。
以假亂真 混淆視聽
在現實生活中,假裝某政要,讓人誤以為真,以亂人耳目(red herring),這種例子自古有之。譬如曹操「床頭捉刀人」、日本的「影武者」,二戰英國找了人冒充蒙哥馬利元帥,牽制住德軍數十個師的軍力,這些冒牌 貨都叫做"political decoy",目的是掩飾真人主角(real McCoy)的行蹤。
這種作法,目的在混淆視聽,多半是許多幕後人員(backroom boys)根據許多細節,一絲不苟(in an apple pie order)、精心炮製的伎倆,多半會讓人警覺心降低,無從防備。
難怪孫子說:「非聖賢不能用間,非仁義不能使間,非微妙不能得間之實。」因此,任務緊急時、切莫求功心切,以免不分青紅皂白,相信道聽塗說(heard through the grapevine)。信用卡公司草率發卡,或者軍中小兵冤死,都是誤把馮京當馬涼(looks the part)的結果。
障眼戲法 移轉注意
例:"Staff at the TV station had hired a President Ma look-a-like to coincide with his election campaigns."「電視台人員找了個演員,專門模仿馬總統競選的樣子。」
"This impersonator just finished a variety show. He is by far the closest resemblance to the president working today."「他剛從綜藝節目上完通告表演。他是目前為止模仿總統最像的人。」
"That kid was just a red herring to prevent his friends from being caught in the act."「他們用那小鬼行障眼法,好轉移大家的注意力。」
"Soldier Clifton James successfully impersonated General Bernard Montgomery as a political decoy for intelligence purposes."「蒙哥馬利元帥找了士兵假冒他,目的是欺敵。」
"It's time to find out if he's the real McCoy. "「首要之務,便是證明他是不是本人。」
"There is no limit when it comes to the backroom boys in our department."「這點區區小事,對本部門不願居功的同仁而言,實在輕而易舉。」
仔細查核 拒絕上當
"I want someone in your department to put everything in apple-pie order. "「在你部門中找個人,趕快把事情搞定。」
"I heard through the grapevine that she was promoted to the section chief, but I don't know anything more."「根據路邊社的消息,聽說她要當科長了。」
"This con master certainly looks the part - imposing, self-confident, cheerful and relaxed in his vast office at the top of headquarters."「在那間巨大的總部辦公室裡,那個騙子舉止如此瀟灑從容,真叫人無法置疑。」
【2011/06/17 經濟日報】

2011年6月9日 星期四


Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physically and Mentally welfare institutions, organizations and shelter workshops regulation
Promulgated by Order Nei-Shou-Chung-She-Tzu No. 0940715576 October 12, 2005

Revised title “Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physically and Mentally welfare institutions and organizations regulation” to “Precedence over purchasing productions and services by Physically and Mentally welfare institutions, organizations and shelter workshops regulation” and whole text amended.

第一條  本辦法依身心障礙者權益保障法(以下簡稱本法)第六十九條第三項規定訂定之。

Article 1
The regulation is concluded in compliance with Protection Act for Rights and Interests of (Physically and Mentally) Disabled Citizens (hereinto “ the Act”) Article 69, Item 3.
第十条    本辦法自發佈日施行。
Article 10
This Regulation will take effect as of the date of promulgation.

2011年6月2日 星期四


◆上課時間:每星期三 19.00-21.00



◆聯絡方式:想要開口說英文,請來信 gretel.taiwan@gmail.com


◆老師經歷: 目前擔任翻譯及口譯以及從事英語教學,多年教學經驗,過去任職於機場及擔任外商外籍主管特助十多年。


* 國內運輸公司國際採購談判
* 深圳都市規劃國際競圖專案筆譯及談判口譯
* 高雄市即時口譯人員
* 高雄世運英語講師
* 商務流程精進亞太區中英文雙語講師
* 台灣觀光大使 外賓接待講師
* ORACLE甲骨文系統筆譯及口譯
* 中國辦公大樓專案籌備筆譯及口譯

2011年5月23日 星期一


【經濟日報╱葉小慧】 2011.05.19 04:06 am

【2011/05/19 經濟日報】


【2011/05/23 經濟日報】

2011年5月22日 星期日




「合宜住宅」,則是指政府透過區段徵收整地,土地所有權賣斷給建商,並交由建商興建,但設定嚴格條件限制房價與購買者資格。經建會主委劉憶如昨晚拋出的 「現代住宅」,是指政府僅釋出公有地地上權,公開徵選建商興建,並設定標準規格,購買者享有七十年房屋所有權與專案房貸,並可自由買賣。
【2011/05/05 聯合報】


【2011/05/10 經濟日報】


【經濟日報╱楊文琪】 2011.05.17 04:14 am

【2011/05/17 經濟日報】


經濟日報 : 簡永祥】 2011年 05月 16日 星期一 04:28



2011年5月20日 星期五




文/內田和俊 圖/
2011年5月 Web Only 雜誌
內 田和俊(Uchida Kazutoshi)一九六八年生於東京,早稻田大學法學院畢業。曾在大型不動產公司任職,目前擔任SYP(Sympathize with Your Personality)企業的專業研修訓練講師,也是日本PHP綜合研究所認定的高級商業輔導人員。內田指出,「 傾聽能力」不論在公司內外的任何一種活動當中,都屬於最基本的最主要的能力。
內田在此書有個論點值得留意。書中提到的「商業(Business) 傾聽 」與企業顧問(Counselor)的傾聽不同。
舉 個例子,假設你現在是商業領導人(如上司或具指導權利的前輩級幹部)。你很想讓部屬或員工了解,身為上司或前輩的你,絕對沒有高壓指揮他們的企圖。這時 候,部下或後輩提出問題,他們要的不是答案,不要你同意或反對的意見,只要你與他們發出共鳴,把耳朵靠上去傾聽就行了。從建立與部屬之間的信賴關係與替他 們解除工作壓力的觀點而言,此時,你有必要扮演顧問的角色來傾聽他們的聲音才對吧?(你被要求擔任陪伴者的角色)。

使用一~四級傾聽愈久,只會讓聽話者心中的不滿累積更多而已。決定你有沒有在「聽」或「不聽」的,不是聽話的「你」,而是說話的「 對方 」 。
五級傾聽是一種目的明確,並且意識清楚地貫徹此目標的傾聽方式。 以心的「感性」、頭腦的「知性」,加上冷靜帶來的「理性」,如果也能同時放進意識裡,再透過所使用的傾聽方法,慢慢就能開始捕捉到對方的真意了。


2011.05.19 03:58 am


這句話不是隨便講講的,因為說這句話的人,是個最在意「定義」的人。他姓韋伯斯特(Noah Webster),他最有名的著作是1828年出版的《美國英語字典》,他就是《韋氏大字典》的創辦人。一直到今天,將近兩百年後,《韋氏大字典》仍然是美國最具權威,也是運用最廣的字典。







【2011/05/19 聯合報】

2011年5月19日 星期四

表達憤怒 態度要果決

或 許現在的你,已經累積了一些生活歷練,所以你知道當自己表達憤怒時,可能會有些不好的狀況出現。因此,當別人對你不好的時候,你可能什麼也不說,只是暗自 在心中惱火,這通常會帶來所謂的「積怨」。但等你最後真的表達自己的感受時,你的反應又太過強烈、激憤,而且沒有任何作用。
表現果決態度最有效的方法,就是在句子一開頭說:「我覺得……」這個簡單的開場白力量非常強大,它能幫助你與家人、朋友和同事間建立起穩固的連結。說話時 不要語帶指責,只要表達你的感受就好。只要稍加練習,你就能夠培養出很有價值的技巧,不但能減少衝突的發生,也能降低你日常生活中憤怒的機會。
【2011/05/20 經濟日報】

2011年5月11日 星期三

Instructor-Led Training


What is Instructor-Led Training?

Instructor-led training is any kind of training that occurs in a training room, typically in an office, classroom, or conference room. This form of training can have one or more instructors; and they teach skills or material to another person or group through lectures, presentations, demonstrations, and discussions.
Most often, it's used to instruct a group: this allows you to deliver many trainee-hours of training for each hour of the instructor's time. Training can also be one-on-one, however, this can be expensive.
Instructor-led training is particularly beneficial when the material is new or complex: here, having an instructor on-hand to answer questions and demonstrate concepts can greatly enhance a trainee's learning experience.


There are several benefits to using instructor-led training, compared with other types of training.
First, unlike on-the-job training (which is typically one-on-one), instructor-led training allows you to instruct a larger group at once. This means that you can use a variety of techniques such as role-playing, and exercises and games to enhance the learning experience.
Teams may also learn better with instructor-led training, because they can share ideas, work in groups, and debate with their peers. It's also useful for bonding, team building, and team problem solving. All of these means that instructor-led training can have greater long-term benefits than one-on-one or online training.
And, because people are in a controlled space for a fixed period of time, you have the opportunity to train them without them being distracted by competing demands.
Instructor-led training is also useful when you're trying to keep training costs down - for middle-sized groups, instructor-led training can be less expensive than other types of training.


A disadvantage to instructor-led training, when you have several people to teach, is that it can be hard to provide personalized instruction. It can also be challenging to accommodate different learning styles.
Additionally, slow learners may find it difficult to keep up with the pace of instruction; these students might benefit most from personalized coaching or on-the-job training. Meanwhile, quicker learners may get bored, and may disengage.
Other disadvantages include the need to wait for training (unlike instant-access, computer-based training, for example), and the expense of training large numbers of people (where eLearning may be less expensive).

How to Set Up Instructor-Led Training

Step 1: Create an Outline of Objectives

As you start planning for your training, you need to begin by defining your learning objectives. What skills do you want your trainees to master by the end of their training program? And what do they need to be able to do by the end of each session?
Make sure that you're specific here. Simply stating, "My group needs to understand the new accounting system" doesn't provide enough detail. How will you know that your group understands the new system?
A better objective would be: "My group needs to understand how to log into the new system, submit payment reports, apply for reimbursements, and print their monthly departmental budget." Not only does this objective define what your group needs to learn, but it also provides you with specific metrics that you can test for during training.
Then, look at any knowledge gaps your students might have. Will some people come to training with more knowledge than others? And will you need to divide the group into two (or more) separate groups, to accommodate different levels of experience?
Also consider your budget, and the impact that the training will have on day-to-day activities. This will determine how much time or how many sessions your group can devote to training, as well as the technology and visual aids that you'll be using.
This first step encourages you to analyze the need for instruction, and determine what you'll teach if you decide to move forward.

Step 2: Insure Relevancy

Once you have a basic outline of what you want to cover, you need to define why this information is relevant to your audience. If your trainees don't understand why they need the information that you're presenting, and what they'll gain from learning it, the training will probably fail.
Make sure that you "connect the dots", so that as soon as you meet with your group, you can explain clearly why they need to do this training.

Step 3: Design and Develop the Learning Experience

You now need to determine how you're going to present this information. There are a lot of details to consider as you set about designing the learning experience for your group.
Here are some questions to consider:
  • Are you going to be the only presenter? Do you have enough expertise to cover all of the topics, or will you need another instructor to supplement your knowledge?
  • What are the most critical skills that your group will need to learn? How will you know that your group has learned these skills successfully?
  • Where will the class take place? When?
  • How will you present this information? What media or visual aids will you use?
  • How will your trainees practice and use this new information?
  • Will you need a microphone or other sound aids, or is the group small enough so that everyone will be able to hear you?
  • Is the room or venue that you're using set up for group learning?
It's important to consider how you'll put variety into the training, so that your trainees don't get bored. To do this, consider using Active Training techniques such as learning tournaments, role-playing, and jigsaw design to get people engaged.
You'll also want to provide a good balance between doing lectures/presentations (where the trainer provides an overview of a subject while the trainees take notes) and seminar/workshop learning (where trainees actively participate in discussions and exercises, while the trainer supervises).

Step 4: Create a Plan

By now, you'll have a good idea of what the training needs to cover, and how you'll be delivering it. You now need to create a detailed plan for each training session.
It's up to you what to include in your session plan, but you'll probably want to include the following:
  • The overall purpose and objectives of the session.
  • Session preparation (if relevant).
  • Materials and resources required (handouts, visual aids, textbooks, and so on).
  • Equipment required.
  • The information that you need to cover, how you'll present it, and the order that you want to cover it. (Include timings here, so that you know if you're sticking to your schedule.)
  • How you'll evaluate trainees' learning.
  • How you'll get feedback on how future sessions can be improved.
Tip 1:
Remember that your session plan is a guide, and that you can deviate from it during the session if you need to.
Tip 2:
If the training consists of more than one session, it helps to plan each session at the same time to make sure that the training meets the overall objectives you identified in Step 1.

Skills Required for Instructor-Led Training

Good planning is only the beginning. To deliver training successfully, you (or the person that you select to do the training) will also need to do the following:
  • Brush up on your public speaking skills.
  • Make sure that you rehearse teaching the material several times before presenting it live. Rehearse out loud, in front of a test audience, if at all possible.
  • If you think that you'll be nervous speaking in front of a group, learn how to manage presentation nerves, so that you do your best on the day.
  • Know how to use all of the technology that you will use during the training session. Have a backup plan in case any of your instructional aids fail.
Preparation is the cornerstone of any successful training program. Make sure that you're organized, and that you've spent as much time as possible preparing for the event.

Further Tips

  • Use Gagne's Nine Levels of Learning to structure your training; this will help you accommodate different learning styles.
  • Give your trainees time to sit and learn before you encourage participation: this helps people to feel grounded in the experience, and gives them time to feel comfortable with everyone else in the class. Once this sense of safety has been established, they'll be far more willing to participate in a group.
  • Allow your class to take a break every 50-90 minutes. This will help everyone to stay focused over the long term, and avoid information overload.
  • How you present in the training session has a major impact on whether the group accepts, or rejects, the information. Use Heron's Six Categories of Intervention to determine what kind of communication style you should use with your group.
  • Remember that your group wants you to succeed. If you get nervous, take a deep breath, focus on being optimistic, and visualize completing the training successfully. You'll do fine!

Key Points

Instructor-led training is useful for training middle-sized groups of people in an efficient, undistracted way, at the same time that they enjoy a positive, group-based environment.
To set up an effective instructor-led training program, start by outlining your objectives. Ask yourself what your trainees need to learn by the end of their training. Ensure that what you're teaching is relevant to the group; design an effective learning experience; and plan and rehearse how you'll deliver each session.
Last, brush up on the skills needed to be a great trainer, such as public speaking techniques and presentation skills.

2011年5月5日 星期四

讀孫子兵法學英文/言過其實devil is not so black as he is painted

言過其實 devil is not so black as he is painted
孫子說:「屈諸侯者以害,役諸侯者以業,趨諸侯者以利。」意指能精準理解他人的內心世界,就有適切手段操控他們。職業撲克牌大賽也有類似的猜心遊戲 (Lodden Thinks):先設定問題(例:永康街哪家餐廳最棒?),並以此詢問韓良露這種美食大師,再請兩參賽者猜韓的答案,答案愈接近韓,誰就是勝利者。
用心 才能出眾
哪家餐廳最棒,現實世界中《米其林指南》有標準答案。它是全球老饕的美食聖經,舉凡菜色、服務、裝潢、餐桌擺設、食具好壞、上菜順序、酒窖品質、人員訓 練,評選重點多達500項。它是廚師奮鬥的終極目標,名廚Alain Zick因從三星降為二星而自殺。該書宗旨是讓人按圖索驥(Ariadne's thread),省掉嘗試錯誤(trial and error)的麻煩。它中立可靠,不接受廣告,評鑒員試吃採匿名拜訪,一人肯定,還要另派人員多方查證,全職評鑒員每年輪調區域,以避免不法勾結,所以法 國餐廳待客都不敢怠慢(If you can't be good, be careful.)。
事業要想出眾,先要用心投入;別人不用心,用心的人愈容易出頭(In the world of the blind, the one-eyed man gets the credit.)。《米其林指南》就是設定高標準(according to Hoyle),讓腳踏實地(the salt of the earth)出頭,不同凡響者成名,浪得虛名者退位。饕客認同它,因為知道它也用高標準自我要求。
台灣許多小吃攤,常把媒體的置入性報導,複製當成廣告,掛在店前招徠客人。這些報導多半只求熱鬧,沒有《米其林指南》嚴謹,無法產生讓人非他莫屬的口碑 (make oneself indispensable);即使慕名而來,有時也感受不到報導的真實性(devil is not so black as he is painted),其理即在:沒有人監督評鑑者的評鑑水平。
例:"At dinner, we played 'What Lodden Thinks' with the question, 'What is the best restaurant in Taipei?' "「晚餐中我們玩起猜心遊戲,問題是:台北最棒的餐廳是哪一家?」
成功 靠真本事
"The Michelin Guide, like Ariadne's thread, enables tourists to locate the best restaurants easily."「米其林指南讓遊客按圖索驥,輕鬆找到最好餐廳進餐。」
"We may need to do a trial and error approach for good restaurants when touring in a foreign country."「在異國觀光,問路無門,有時必須嘗試許多錯誤,才能找到好餐廳享用。」
"If you can't be good, be careful. If you can't be careful, be lucky. And if you're not lucky, you'd better be good!"「成功之道在於:沒本領要用心;不用心靠運氣;沒運氣就要有真本領。」
"In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is still king, even if the blind don't know it."「看到別人看不到的細節,這種人一定出頭,即使別人看不出他有這種能力亦然。」
"According to Hoyle, when it comes to modern cooking techniques, less is more."「簡單就是美:談到現代烹調藝術,大師都這麼認為。」
"The cook does a lot of good jobs and is considered to be the salt of the world."「這位廚師做菜色香味俱全,被認為做到了腳踏實地的本分。」
"Anyone can be replaced, but how do you make yourself less so?"「人人都可以被取代,重點是你如何做到減少被取代的機率。」
"The devil is not so black as he is painted, but I believe that someone is as careless as the Red Guide said he is."「別人說話也許會言過其實,但《米其林指南》說某人不用心經營,我就相信他確實如此。」
【2011/05/06 經濟日報】

2011年5月3日 星期二


The composition vibrates around the intoxicating aromas of Bulgarian rose, wrapped
by the spontaneity and fluidity of peony. Floral and delicately elegant middle notes
are punctuated by the precious infusion of orris and Indian jasmine absolute
asserting its light and natural breath.



利用橡膠或皮革等柔性材料,使於起動及停止時,能緩和衝擊及負載變化所引起的彎曲影響,以防止軸之折損或軸承之發熱,用 在電動機及齒輪裝置之連結。一般採用鑄鐵製、鑄鋼製等,在撓性聯軸器接有制動輪,如3-50 圖所示。

A soften material is employed, such as rubber or leather. As starting and halting, it can moderate the bending effect caused by impacts or load change in order to prevent damage to axles and heating of the bearings. This coupling is a connecting part of motors and gear systems. It is usually made from cast iron or cast steel. Brake wheels are connected to the flexible coupling as exhibited in Fig. 3-50.



The Geminis dislike clingy and control-freak lovers. They are witty, unconstrained and unconfined. The Geminis always wish themselves to have wings to glide freely. For lovers, they are floating, and it is hard for them to have 100% input into the relationship. It is because they are used to being-a-lone. From the Gemini’s perspective, they cannot stand for the people who are clingy, constraining or like manipulating. Such kind of companions only will be a stop-by in the Gemini’s life.

