2011年9月17日 星期六


華爾街日報報導中共首艘航母試航,讀者投書電子版留言高達500多則,其中有許多視為酸葡萄(sour grapes),有人視為凶兆(the crack of doom),但也有主張放棄台灣,作為賠償中國國債,以為綏靖。
美國是民主國家,言論自由不足為奇,但放棄台灣,以避免和中共衝突的聲浪,這種說法詭異(a different kettle of fish),尤因事涉台灣安全,殊值注意。
俗話說「非我族類,其心必異」(He must be devious since he is not my kin.),美國南方也有類似說法:"You're not from around here, are you?" 指的都是把難以捉摸的變數(you never know what will come over the horizon)當成「虎有傷人心」(always fear the unknown)。因此美國人對中共航母說三道四(have an ax to grind),雖說是人之常情,但我們不能等閒視之。
因為中美兩國齟齬日增,台灣夾在中間左右為難(This is a fine kettle of fish!),孫子說:「辭卑而備者,進也;辭強而進驅者,退也;」許多外交辭令,或者一般民意表達,其實不能光以字面解讀,決策者要佐以事實,才能作為進退的準據。
無論如何,像鴕鳥般地對危機視而不見(burying your head in the sand),或者像麋鹿被疾駛而來的車燈迷惑(to freeze like a deer in headlights)而身置險境,均非智者所為。
例:"Many WSJ readers don't think it's such a great idea for Chinese to have an airplane carrier - and that's seemingly just sour grapes because the US owes China 1.4 trillion dollars."「許多華爾街日報讀者對於中國擁有航母不以為然,在美國積欠中國1.4兆債務之際,這種說法顯得有點酸葡萄。」
"For them, China's flexing her naval muscle is akin to the crack of doom."「中國擴展海權,對他們而言,就是一種凶兆。」
"America used to be the only superpower and China is taking over. But giving up Taiwan is a completely different kettle of fish."「美國獨一的霸權地位固然受到中國挑戰,但放棄台灣卻又是兩碼子事。」
“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. We never know what will come over the horizon.”「兩強相爭,必然傷及無辜,誰也不能擔保局勢不會有變化。」
"People will always fear the unknown because of possible harm."「對於不可知的未來,人總因為可能受到傷害而心感畏懼。」
"Many Americans have an ax to grind about the fact that Chinese is trying to become a naval power."「中國試圖成為海上強權,許多美國人對此不以為然。」
"That's a fine kettle of fish - we don't let American beef in while we have to acquire those needed new jets."「事情顯得棘手:我們不讓美國牛肉進口,同時又想購買美國戰機。」
"We should not bury our head in the sand and try to ignore the problem."「問題來臨,不能一味逃避。」
"In moments of tensions, our worst default reaction will be to freeze like a deer in headlights and prevent any changes at all costs."「事態緊急之際,尤其不能呆若木雞,不知應變。」
【2011/09/16 經濟日報】



