2011年6月16日 星期四

讀孫子兵法學英文/誤把馮京當馬涼 looks the part

誤把馮京當馬涼 looks the part
身分竊取(identity theft),是網路時代新型詐騙手法,但冒用別人身分,遂行其他目的,卻不是新鮮事。譬如有種職業,英文叫 "look a like" 或 "impersonator",就是藝人裝扮政客或時人搞笑,以便博觀眾一粲的電視綜藝節目。
以假亂真 混淆視聽
在現實生活中,假裝某政要,讓人誤以為真,以亂人耳目(red herring),這種例子自古有之。譬如曹操「床頭捉刀人」、日本的「影武者」,二戰英國找了人冒充蒙哥馬利元帥,牽制住德軍數十個師的軍力,這些冒牌 貨都叫做"political decoy",目的是掩飾真人主角(real McCoy)的行蹤。
這種作法,目的在混淆視聽,多半是許多幕後人員(backroom boys)根據許多細節,一絲不苟(in an apple pie order)、精心炮製的伎倆,多半會讓人警覺心降低,無從防備。
難怪孫子說:「非聖賢不能用間,非仁義不能使間,非微妙不能得間之實。」因此,任務緊急時、切莫求功心切,以免不分青紅皂白,相信道聽塗說(heard through the grapevine)。信用卡公司草率發卡,或者軍中小兵冤死,都是誤把馮京當馬涼(looks the part)的結果。
障眼戲法 移轉注意
例:"Staff at the TV station had hired a President Ma look-a-like to coincide with his election campaigns."「電視台人員找了個演員,專門模仿馬總統競選的樣子。」
"This impersonator just finished a variety show. He is by far the closest resemblance to the president working today."「他剛從綜藝節目上完通告表演。他是目前為止模仿總統最像的人。」
"That kid was just a red herring to prevent his friends from being caught in the act."「他們用那小鬼行障眼法,好轉移大家的注意力。」
"Soldier Clifton James successfully impersonated General Bernard Montgomery as a political decoy for intelligence purposes."「蒙哥馬利元帥找了士兵假冒他,目的是欺敵。」
"It's time to find out if he's the real McCoy. "「首要之務,便是證明他是不是本人。」
"There is no limit when it comes to the backroom boys in our department."「這點區區小事,對本部門不願居功的同仁而言,實在輕而易舉。」
仔細查核 拒絕上當
"I want someone in your department to put everything in apple-pie order. "「在你部門中找個人,趕快把事情搞定。」
"I heard through the grapevine that she was promoted to the section chief, but I don't know anything more."「根據路邊社的消息,聽說她要當科長了。」
"This con master certainly looks the part - imposing, self-confident, cheerful and relaxed in his vast office at the top of headquarters."「在那間巨大的總部辦公室裡,那個騙子舉止如此瀟灑從容,真叫人無法置疑。」
【2011/06/17 經濟日報】



