2011年10月7日 星期五


尷尬糗事 skeleton in the closet
我們可以想像,聽完話後,媽媽有多麼焦慮。因為這些信件會讓年少輕狂的尷尬糗事(skeleton in the closet)曝光,甚至變成被人揭瘡疤(picking at the scab)的笑柄,因而糟蹋(throw pearls to swine)了作者當時的天真情懷。
最近「維基解密」公布美國外交官員,私底下與各國政治人物的對話記錄,內幕辛辣,民眾爭相傳誦(sell like hotcakes),引發政壇騷動。這些機密電報,原本就是不能見光的密室行為(behind-the-scenes work),難怪當事人紛紛提出辯解,因為殺傷力實在太大(pay through the nose)。
維基解密公布數十萬分機密電報,讓許多當政者手足無措(all thumbs),他們位居要津,皆非等閒之輩(Tom, Dick and Harry),從彼等口中套出的意見,內容特別珍貴。孫子:「五間之事,主必知之,知之必在於反間,故反間不可不厚也」。外交單位想必都已特別留意(be all ears),採取及時行動,分析電報內容,拼湊各國政壇全貌,作為解讀政情參考。
例:"Mom is shocked to know those letters are dispatched to the neighborhood, for some of them are skeletons in the closet."「那些信件記載許多尷尬往事,一旦流落街坊,難怪媽媽震驚無比。」
"They have been picking at the scab of the adolescent memory. Those letters remind them of."「信上記載的年少輕狂,讓他們抓到把柄,痛揭瘡疤。」
"Those readers are not interested in what you have to say. Let them access to the letters is like throwing pearls to swine."「一般讀者哪裡知道你用心良苦。讓他們看到信件內容,純然是一種糟蹋。」
"Since gossips got out about the local politicians, the leaks have been selling like hot cakes."「洩密的內容牽涉地方官員的八卦,難怪喧騰一時,久久不已。」
"There's a lot of behind-the-scenes work reported on the diplomatic cables."「外交電報中,敘述許多幕後折衝內幕。」
"Those who are not good at diplomatic language paid through the nose when they find their dirty big mess exposed to the public."「一旦談話內容曝光,這些不擅外交辭令的人,紛紛付出重大代價。」
"People are all ears and annoyed when they find these politicians use straight talks to drive traffic to benefit their interests, albeit in an all-thumbs way."「這些政治人物技巧差勁,吃相難看,民眾關心之餘,感到十分心痛。」
"The names mentioned on the cables are political veterans, not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry."「電報引述的人物都是政壇翹楚,皆非等閒之輩。」
【2011/10/07 經濟日報】



