2010年12月4日 星期六


謀定而後動  look before they leap
此公雖然舌燦蓮花,到底還是技不如人(at one's wit's end)。戰局紛紜渾沌(in the dark)之際,他無法理出頭緒(to figure out),眼前一片黑,只好隨意出手(shot in the dark),連輸三局的戰況似乎可以預見。
孫子說:「運兵計謀,為不可測」。就像下棋盤面複雜,但圍棋職業棋士可以細算14至18手之內的所有變化,所以能謀定而後動(look before they leap);一般業餘棋士多半思慮不周(jump the gun),想到哪走到哪,勝算當然不高。
有句英文:"He can put his mouth into drive while his brain remains in park. "就是取笑我們這種動口不動腦的二流棋士。
一盤棋下完,結果只有勝、和、負三種;無論棋手位於哪一步,都有正確的策略引導他產生優勢,走向勝利(錯誤的策略則讓對手有機可趁,進而獲勝)。 棋力高低的分野,就在能否找到求勝之道,也就是正確的策略。
棋手對全盤狀況瞭若指掌,有如勝券在握(have an ace up your sleeve),局面好乘勝追擊,局面差也能捨小就大(The least bad [choice] is the best.),進退攻守都能得宜,當然能夠痛宰(carry the day)眼光不夠銳利的對手。
例:"He was at his wit's end during the competition. He could not figure it out."「他技不如人,輸掉比賽。」
"He was in the dark about his next move in the game."「下一步走法如何,他毫無概念。」
"His move was a shot in the dark, and he had no idea he was exactly correct."「因為沒有把握,於是他乾脆隨便交差了事。」
"I'm not saying you shouldn't buy the apartment at this time, I'm just saying you should look before you leap."「買房子茲事體大,你要想清楚再做決定。」
"He invested all his money before he had time to study the company, but later he regretted for jumping the gun."「對所投資的公司認識不清,就把錢全部砸了進去,這個決定過於倉促,讓他後悔不已。」
"The most important factor in game strategy is to play your own game. The opponent likely will try to get you to play theirs, but make every effort that this never happens."「最重要的賽局策略是:主動掌握敵人,而不被動受敵人掌握。」
"We don't have any ace up our sleeve; but if we don't want our adversary to carry the day, this is our least bad choice at the point."「目前我們暫時找不出制勝之道,為了防止對手獲勝,我們只能以儘量減少損失作為因應。」

【2010/12/03 經濟日報】



