2011年4月15日 星期五


1929年10月初,華爾街大亨操縱市場,謀取暴利。英國鋼鐵公司經營不善(in the red),投機家哈特里想趁機併購,計畫卻受到牽連,因為美股高漲,英國游資跨海投資,連當時的財相邱吉爾都加入搶錢行列,哈特里被迫用假股票籌資。
為拯救英國金融,英格蘭銀行總裁諾曼拒絕哈特里的告貸(refuse to bail him out),還有意提高利率,讓資金回流英國,消息傳出,有如雪上加霜(add insult to injury),因為股市暢旺,就是資金寬鬆,一旦緊縮,就變成問題根源(root of the problem),許多人回補不及,被迫斷頭,勢頭形成,人人求售,結果都葬身金融海嘯(lose their shirt),連當時作空的熊派傑西‧利物浦都不例外。
真正玩家 既聯合又鬥爭
波士頓人甘迺迪(甘迺迪總統之父)見苗頭不對,親到華爾街聽操盤者(man of few words)怎麼看大局。見完這些人,走訪承銷商後,上街見擦鞋匠伯勞納正在看報,問市況如何。擦鞋匠告訴他明牌是石油和鐵路,甘迺迪笑笑,回家告訴太 太,連擦鞋匠都可以預測的市場,甘迺迪不要問津。
他不隨機起舞(know his own piece in the puzzle),能從別人意見整理出該捨就捨的判斷(throwing away pawns),安然逃過一劫,還趁勢在別人不支倒地之際大撿便宜貨(make a killing),短短三年,身家從400萬美元暴漲45倍,變成1.8億美元。
善用資訊 做出正確抉擇
例:"Montagu Norman, the Chairman of the Bank of England, decided not to bail out the failing investor in order to maintain stability in the economy."「英格蘭銀行總裁諾曼拒絕對他紓困,目的是維持市場秩序。」
"Somebody wants to sell their stocks, and to add insult to injury, everybody follows suit and nobody is willing to buy."「有人持股求售,讓問題更加嚴重的是許多人跟進之餘,大家還都無力買進。」
"Many people bought stocks with borrowed money. It was based on debt and the root of the problem. When the ability of people to borrow has dried up, the market collapsed."「問題的根源在於大家都用融資炒股,一旦資金來源枯竭,股市就要崩盤。」
"Jesse Livermore lost his shirt after the 1929 stock market crash and then he committed suicide."「股市崩盤之後,利物浦先生一貧如洗,含恨自殺。」
"Joseph Kennedy came to the Wall Street to speak with some men of few words to decide if it was the right time to invest."「為了是否還要繼續投資華爾街股市,甘迺迪親身前來,請教高明。」
危機入市 股市棋局贏家
"The decisions came quickly as Kennedy became aware and concentrated on his own piece in the puzzle, after he heard stock tip from a shoe-shine boy."「聽完擦鞋匠報完明牌,甘迺迪對今後走向了然於胸,很快做出決定。」
"He just sees the market as a huge chessboard, moving and throwing away pawns to get to the final goal."「他把整個股市看成一場棋局,為了求勝,犧牲個小卒也在所不惜。」
"Joseph Kennedy truly captured the stock market by making a killing when the others could hardly make a living."「在別人不支倒地之際,甘迺迪大開殺戒,笑傲股市成為至尊。」
【2011/04/15 經濟日報】



