2011年8月14日 星期日


2011.08.12 03:53 am

精打細算 Discretion is the better part of valor.


亨利摩根就是好萊塢電影「加勒比海海盜王」的本尊,俗話說「江山易改,本性難移」(a leopard doesn't change its spots),他根本是個唯利是圖的海盜。英國政府基於利之所在,大膽重用為馬前卒;而摩根抓住機會戮力經營,打開局面,用成績證明自己的長才(the salt of the earth)。

堂堂政府和海盜勾結,一起開發海外殖民地,這是個雙面刃(a sword with two edges)的政策。

不過,基於三個理由證明這個決策的正確性(verdict of Solomon):首先,人性好逸惡勞(Only fools and horses work.),找亡命之徒替自己打天下,何樂不為;其次,抓住海盜發財心切,贏得他們效忠的赤忱(know which side one's bread is buttered on);最後,源源不斷的海外資源進帳(their bread and butter),讓雙方獲利,合作模式得以長期經營下去。

孫子說:「凡用兵之法,將受命於君,合軍聚眾,交和而舍,莫難於軍爭。」國人的理解是:老闆只有一個,用「自己人」才能打勝仗,所以清廷要消滅鄭成功而後快;英國人精打細算(Discretion is the better part of valor)之後,能賺錢的勾當都願意做。


例:"The British government knows who Henry Morgan is but still assigns him head of the colony. It doesn't worry that a leopard doesn't change its spots."「英國政府深知亨利摩根底細,但並不在乎能否悔改,仍舊委託他出任殖民總督。」

"The British government believes even though the barrel is rotten, there will be a few good apples left among the rotten ones."「英國政府認為:再差勁的團體中,還是可以找到幾個可以重用的人。」

"These buccaneers were described as the best, the salt of the earth,particularly when their products were needed to feed the country."「這些海盜種植出來的作物廣受歡迎,搖身一變為優秀人才。」

"The British government's decision on Morgan's assignment is a sword with two edges."「英國政府關於摩根的任命,是風險十足的人事案。」

"The British government rendered a verdict of Solomon by appointing Henry Morgan the governor of the colony."「英國政府任命摩根為殖民地總督,此舉不失為良策。」

"These buccaneers won't refuse to follow the orders. They know which side their bread are buttered."「海盜們知道好歹,誠心歸順,十分聽從指揮。」

"Their business model of running the colonies is the bread and butter for both sides."「經營殖民地的商業模式,是雙方利潤的主要來源。」

"Since discretion is the better part of valor, they carefully study the opportunity and threat of using these buccaneers to conquer the Spanish citadels in Jamaica."「他們萬般慎重,小心查明運用海盜攻打西班牙在牙買加城堡的利弊得失。」


【2011/08/12 經濟日報】



