2011年8月27日 星期六


2011.08.26 03:19 am

漁翁得利 third man in takes the prize

米奇‧麥迪法學院畢業,受聘律師事務所,薪水高福利好,工作伊始頗受重用,旋即被FBI盯上,獲告律師樓其實是毒梟洗錢中心,要他擔任內線舉發黑幕。米奇進退兩難(between the devil and the deep blue sea),因為擔任內應,違背律師保密信條,會喪失律師資格;不答應合作,遲早東窗事發,一樣脫身不得,兩者均非上策(Hobson's choice),難怪米奇夫婦驚惶失措(eyes as wide as owls),不知如何是好。

黑白兩道夾殺 進退兩難

以上情節是暢銷書《The Firm》情節,黑白兩道都要米奇配合,開始百般示好,隨即露出猙獰面目:「順我者生,逆我者死」(If you are not for us, then you are against us.),證明先前說法都是虛偽口惠(Judas's kiss),無論米奇和哪方合作,或與哪方翻臉,都是死路一條(meet one's Waterloo),難怪書中米奇小倆口決定逃亡天涯,一輩子被黑白兩道追殺。

本書1993年翻拍電影,情節卻有重大修正:米奇不願十年寒窗付諸流水,決定擇善固執(Hercules' choice),於是影印非法資料,藏在船上,告知黑幫他無意揭發,但必須保留資料,以便以律師身分持續提供諮詢(因而保有律師資格),並揭發律師樓超收費用,以為脫身之計(他藉機脫離律師樓,同時擺脫黑道糾葛);然後通知FBI律師樓超時收費,而非洗錢,這樣FBI同樣可以掃蕩律師樓,但米奇卻可置身事外,公司垮台後仍可繼續保有律師身分!

電影中米奇深入黑白兩道糾結(there are two sides of every story),協助FBI成功取締律師樓,並將洗錢資料運送船上,作為保命符防止被黑道暗算,同時又允應黑手黨永不舉發作為交換條件,三管齊下,在FBI 和黑手黨鷸蚌相爭中取得利益(third man in takes the prize),這與孫子「兵形象水,水之行避高而趨下,兵之形避實而擊虛;水因地而制流,兵因敵而制勝」的兵法精髓不謀而合,殊值效法。

謀得保命符 隔山觀虎鬥

例:" For Mitch being a mole is the result of a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea - if he is he suffers, and if he isn't he suffers."「要不要擔任內奸,對米奇都是兩難:他真是裏外不是人。」

"Mitch thinks this is a Hobson's choice: both unfavorable and fatal options."「兩個選項都很爛,米奇根本沒有選擇餘地。」

"Abby's eyes were as wide as owls and began to panic when she knew her telephone was bugged."「得知家裡電話被竊聽,艾比驚慌失措,久久不能自已。」

"The secret agent told Mitch that 'if he is not for us then he is against us',and he will take Mitch down!"「特工要米奇好生配合,不然就要整他冤枉!」

"'Take care of your family.' Both the FBI and the Firm lie. The words are staining Mitch's cheek like Judas's kiss."「聯邦調查局和律師樓都要米奇『好好照顧家庭』。但此話聽在米奇耳中,簡直是死神之吻。」

"He meets his Waterloo if he agrees to become a FBI tool with a sudden death the penalty for detection."「看來答應擔任FBI的內應不是良策,因為萬一被揭穿,肯定死路一條。」

"He believes there are two sides of every question and he determines to find a way out from this quagmire."「他深入兩方意見,不偏不倚,決心找出生路脫離苦海。」

"We think Mitch has been wise in his Hercules choice."「米奇擇善固執,咸認他的抉擇是正確的。」

"Mitch was the third man in between the war of the FBI and the Mafia, and took the prize by using that rivalry to spur a fight between them."「小心周旋在聯邦調查局和黑手黨的鬥爭當中,米奇挑撥雙方,從中獲利。」


【2011/08/26 經濟日報】



