2011年9月17日 星期六


華爾街日報報導中共首艘航母試航,讀者投書電子版留言高達500多則,其中有許多視為酸葡萄(sour grapes),有人視為凶兆(the crack of doom),但也有主張放棄台灣,作為賠償中國國債,以為綏靖。
美國是民主國家,言論自由不足為奇,但放棄台灣,以避免和中共衝突的聲浪,這種說法詭異(a different kettle of fish),尤因事涉台灣安全,殊值注意。
俗話說「非我族類,其心必異」(He must be devious since he is not my kin.),美國南方也有類似說法:"You're not from around here, are you?" 指的都是把難以捉摸的變數(you never know what will come over the horizon)當成「虎有傷人心」(always fear the unknown)。因此美國人對中共航母說三道四(have an ax to grind),雖說是人之常情,但我們不能等閒視之。
因為中美兩國齟齬日增,台灣夾在中間左右為難(This is a fine kettle of fish!),孫子說:「辭卑而備者,進也;辭強而進驅者,退也;」許多外交辭令,或者一般民意表達,其實不能光以字面解讀,決策者要佐以事實,才能作為進退的準據。
無論如何,像鴕鳥般地對危機視而不見(burying your head in the sand),或者像麋鹿被疾駛而來的車燈迷惑(to freeze like a deer in headlights)而身置險境,均非智者所為。
例:"Many WSJ readers don't think it's such a great idea for Chinese to have an airplane carrier - and that's seemingly just sour grapes because the US owes China 1.4 trillion dollars."「許多華爾街日報讀者對於中國擁有航母不以為然,在美國積欠中國1.4兆債務之際,這種說法顯得有點酸葡萄。」
"For them, China's flexing her naval muscle is akin to the crack of doom."「中國擴展海權,對他們而言,就是一種凶兆。」
"America used to be the only superpower and China is taking over. But giving up Taiwan is a completely different kettle of fish."「美國獨一的霸權地位固然受到中國挑戰,但放棄台灣卻又是兩碼子事。」
“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. We never know what will come over the horizon.”「兩強相爭,必然傷及無辜,誰也不能擔保局勢不會有變化。」
"People will always fear the unknown because of possible harm."「對於不可知的未來,人總因為可能受到傷害而心感畏懼。」
"Many Americans have an ax to grind about the fact that Chinese is trying to become a naval power."「中國試圖成為海上強權,許多美國人對此不以為然。」
"That's a fine kettle of fish - we don't let American beef in while we have to acquire those needed new jets."「事情顯得棘手:我們不讓美國牛肉進口,同時又想購買美國戰機。」
"We should not bury our head in the sand and try to ignore the problem."「問題來臨,不能一味逃避。」
"In moments of tensions, our worst default reaction will be to freeze like a deer in headlights and prevent any changes at all costs."「事態緊急之際,尤其不能呆若木雞,不知應變。」
【2011/09/16 經濟日報】

2011年9月8日 星期四


2011.09.09 03:23 am

騙得死死 hook,line,and sinker

上市公司經營團隊利多不斷,身為投資者,你要不要相信?流氓國家聲稱沒有核生化武器,身為強國談判者,你該不該相信?我們都知道決策需要情報,但關係重大的情報,其真偽難以證實,心理上我們會「寧可信其有」,還會火速採取行動,因為我們以為危機就在眼前(because it's there)。

某大廠總經理去職之後,新經營團隊內部稽核,發現某區庫存及應收帳款異常,公司斷然處置(go cold turkey),決定提供該地區通路銷貨折讓,認列損失新台幣數十億元。經查出錯的地區,竟然是前總經理戰功最輝煌,藉以發跡的地區。公司這才知道,當時前任老總的傑出表現竟然是雙面刃(two-edged sword),而其高深莫測(grinning like a Cheshire cat)的銷售表現,只是遮人耳目的花招。

美軍入侵伊拉克,當時言之鑿鑿的理由,是伊拉克擁有大規模殺傷武器,事後證明子虛烏有,有人說海珊沒有那麼壞(black as one is painted),一般法治國家對被告在證明有罪之前都是清白的(Innocent until proven guilty),但他的下場是未經審判已經定罪,難怪有人說這一切都是戰爭販子(war mongering)挑起的,但當時所有證據都指向對海珊不利的一面。

瑞典前外長布利斯擔任聯合國伊拉克調查團團長,說當時只有法國總統席哈克一個人獨持異議,因為席哈克認為各國情報人員向來只會人云亦云,不敢假定自己判斷有誤(rational ignorance)。孫子說:「死間者,為誑事於外,令吾聞知之而傳於敵間也;」即冒著生命危險向敵方提供假情報的我方特工,有死間從中攪局,稍一不查,敵人就會被他騙得死死(hook, line, and sinker.),可見懷疑自己的判斷可能出錯這件事有多麼困難,又何其重要。

例:"Just because it's there, does it mean it is true?"「東西擺在眼前,我還是不敢確定真假。」

"Finally the company went cold turkey on the sales performance of that area and tried its best to stop the bleeding."「公司對於該地區之銷售狀況失去信心,採取斷然處置作為以便止血。」

"His great performance was a real double-edged sword because he never felt he could communicate with other people."「他表現傑出,卻因此和別人格格不入,可謂利弊互見。」

"Before the scandal, the former boss has been grinning like a Cheshire cat,and the rest of his colleagues were looking pretty chuffed."「案發前,原來的老闆總是笑口常開,一派高深莫測,把同仁蒙在鼓裡。」

"Shylock is not as black as he is painted. He seems quite generous to the orphans."「夏洛克非常善待那些孤兒們,人們對他似乎誤會很大。」

"Everyone is entitled to wish the court to consider him innocent until he is proven to be guilty."「未經審判定讞,人人都應該被無罪看待,這是每個人的權利。」

"People said the whole warfare was caused by the war mongers who make a living off the invasion."「有人說:這根本是戰爭販子掀起藉以發財的侵略。」

"Because information is costly to gather and process, decision makers often practice rational ignorance: they decide with incomplete information."「情報得來不易,在情報不足時,決策者就必須在自知有可能出錯的狀態下做出決定。」

"The spy made up such a good story that we fell for it hook, line, and sinker."「這個間諜說詞言之鑿鑿,我們全部上了大當。」


【2011/09/09 經濟日報】

2011年9月2日 星期五

Blowing off steam? An outburst of swearing actually raises your stress levels 發洩怒氣?飆髒話其實增加你的壓力

《中英對照讀新聞》Blowing off steam? An outburst of swearing actually raises your stress levels 發洩怒氣?飆髒話其實增加你的壓力
It’s news that might surprise foul-mouthed celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay and Wayne Rooney.
Scientists now believe that swearing actually increases, not decreases, our stress levels.
This is because using foul language triggers a reaction deep inside the emotional centre of the brain, according to a study.
The research contradicts the long-held belief that uttering a string of profanities when something goes wrong is a natural way of letting off steam.
The researchers asked trial participants to read from three lists - one with swear words on it, another with euphemisms of those swear words, and a third containing neutral words, and then measured the volunteers’ autonomic responses by electrodermal activity. They found that swearing was more stressful than not swearing.
Lead researcher Professor Jeffrey Bowers, of Bristol University’s School of Experimental Psychology, said: ’Taboo words can evoke strong emotions even when they are uttered without any desire to offend.’
blow off steam:動詞片語,發洩怒氣。
foul-mouthed:形容詞,滿嘴髒話的。例句:Her father is a foul-mouthed man and always blows off steam at her mother.(她的爸爸是滿嘴髒話的人,總是拿她媽出氣。)
profanity:名詞(常用複數形),褻瀆的言語或行為,不雅話。例句:The politician uttered many profanities in his speech.(這名政治人物在他的演講中說了很多髒話。)

《中英對照讀新聞》NYC caught napping among world’s most 24-hour cities 全球不夜城排行榜表現不佳 紐約市措手不及

《中英對照讀新聞》NYC caught napping among world’s most 24-hour cities 全球不夜城排行榜表現不佳 紐約市措手不及 ◎張沛元
So New York is the city that never sleeps? Tick that off as just another urban myth.
A new study about the world’s most 24-hour cities ranks New York 32nd on the list, well behind Cairo, Montevideo, Beirut and Malaga and Zaragoza, both in Spain, which captured the top five spots.
Almost every European capital came ahead of New York, with London ranking 17th, Paris 18th, Rome 27th, Lisbon 15th, and even Brussels, commonly thought of as being a sleepy bureaucratic town, came in 11th place in the ranking by the social networking site Badoo.com.
"This will confirm the fears of those who say that New York has grown sterile and sleepy," said Lloyd Price, Badoo’s director of marketing. "Some will call it a humiliation."
The ranking is based on an analysis of 120 million online chats spanning 122 million people in 180 countries, which showed activity peaked in Cairo at nearly 1 a.m., which is much later than New York.
be caught napping:慣用語,事發時未預先做好準備;措手不及。例句:As the investigations into the serial blasts progress, it becomes clear that the police were caught napping despite warnings and alerts from the Intelligence bureau over the past couple of months.(隨著連續爆炸案的調查工作持續進展,儘管情報局過去2個月來曾提出警告與警戒,爆炸案顯然令警方措手不及。)
tick something off:慣用語,列清單。例句:He had lots of objections, and he ticked them off one after another.(他有很多異議,並逐一列舉。)


2011.09.02 04:11 am


神諭晦澀難解嗎?耶魯大學教授卡根認為不然:前來神廟請教迷津者眾,三教九流(the grass roots)都有,等待時間漫長,廟方耳目密布,故能探知來意,祭師消息靈通,不必偏袒一方(black and white),研判可以從容(wait and see when the dust settles),故能對症下藥。克里索斯敗亡,問題不在神諭,而在對號入座(if the shoe fits, wear it)太早,沒有針對疑點繼續求證。

祭師消息靈通,但絕非不知人間疾苦(gazing down from on high),神廟也非高高在上的象牙塔(an ivory tower),它其實就是情報中心,這也是大家前來問卜(其實是套取情報)主因,只不過廟門大開廣迎四方來客,不便把話講死(in black and white),以免自打嘴巴(past comes back to haunt us),這是待客之道,也讓神諭多半靈驗,這正是神廟香火鼎盛的原因。

台灣俗語:「站高山看馬相踢」(直譯:Stand by and watch the two horses kick each other.),所仗恃者,是情報靈通。神廟屹立多年,情報向來正確,但前來問津,仍須萬分謹慎,以免有遺珠之憾(walking past $100 bills on the sidewalk)。孫子說:「故三軍之事,莫親於間,賞莫厚於間,事莫密於間」,也強調「廟算」(舉兵前比較雙方實力),就要透過間諜反覆查明情報真實性,以免利底亞覆轍。

例:"The temple shares the grass roots truth for it has been gathering information all along."「神廟平日周諮博採,所見當然入木三分。」

"The priests wait until the dust settles before people mention anything else."「不管一方說詞如何,祭師總是在水落石出後行動。」

"The issue of the conflict isn't as black and white from the lens of the priest in the temple."「廟方祭師認為,衝突不能用非黑即白兩分法論斷。」

"The priest just puts the shoe out there, the king is the one that puts it on and announced to everyone that it fits him."「祭師才拋出觀點,國王就對號入座。」

"The sober priest, gazing down from on high, renders direction critical to his state's future."「祭師道貌岸然,冷靜地指出他的國家重要的未來方向。」

"They manage to live in the real world rather than an ivory tower."「他們想方設法,努力不與群眾脫節。」

"The priests tend not to establish the oracles in black and white, avoiding past comes back to haunt them."「祭師儘量不把神諭說死,以免自打嘴巴。」

"Failure to verify your information is like walking past $100 bills lying on the sidewalk."「要查明你的情報真實性,以免產生遺珠之憾。」


【2011/09/02 經濟日報】

