2010年11月5日 星期五

孫子兵法學英文/永保安康 be alive and kicking

一條馬路有左右兩邊,若要交通順暢,方向規定必須清楚,人民依序上路,規則就能發揮功能(It's as good as gold.);如果駕駛人左右不分,事故頻傳,規則宛如廢紙(as queer as a three-dollar bill),就會一文不值(It's not worth a plugged nickel.)。
目前全球60億人口中,開車上路靠右行的國家如中、美人口約40億,靠左如英、日等人口約20億。兩種制度都經長期演變,行為雖然互異,功效看似有別,按 賽局理論,這是當地人民相互以最佳反應彼此對待,因為達到均衡,每個人追求自己利益之餘,增進了全體利益,因此都可以長久存在;外來觀光客若不入境隨俗, 就會隨時肇事。
例:"As long as these men follow the regulations they make well and with respect, it's as good as gold."「他們有心遵守自己訂定的法令規章,功效自然會彰顯出來。」
"The whole deal stinks. It's as queer as a three-dollar bill."「整個交易荒腔走板,內容荒誕至極,宛如廢紙。」
"A traffic law that no one follows is not worth a plugged nickel."「沒有人遵守的交通法規,一文不值。」
戰國時代燕將樂毅破齊,長驅直入,田單逃難前,囑族人鋸短馬車外伸的長車軸,並安上鐵箍,上路後(hit the road)安然逃至即墨。軍民說:「田單臨危不亂,得以保全性命,可見很會用兵。」遂擁田單為將軍,堅守即墨,抗擊燕軍。
齊國人奪路逃亡,馬車爭道,軸斷車壞,大多被燕軍俘虜,這是司馬遷《史記》對田單心細如絲的讚美,亦即:變局來臨,田單因應得法,得以永保安康(be alive and kicking),旁人措手不及,轉而陷入僵局(hit a brick wall)。
例:"We have to hit the road very early before the enemy sieges the city."「大敵圍城之前,我們得趕緊上路。」
"They were seriously attacked, but they managed to keep alive and kicking."「雖然對方猛烈攻擊,但他們仍能設法存活下來。」
"We hit a brick wall but we did our best to get out."「我們深陷險境,但能臨危不亂,終於安然脫險。」
兵荒馬亂,道路壅塞,如果大家進退有據,「你走你的陽關道,我走我的獨木橋」(You go your way and I'll go mine.),或許都可以脫險;田單出身貧賤(the wrong side of the tracks),原本只是小吏,沒有獨斷專行(my way or the highway)權力,但他憑智慧從混亂中殺出血路,竟能留芳歷史。
例:"Having the enemy at the gate, I think you should go your way and I'll go mine."「大敵當前,大家最好分頭作鳥獸散。」
Tien’s blood was not so blue, but he was a natural-born leader although he came from the wrong side of the tracks.”「田單並非出身貴胄,但他卻是天生的領袖人物。」
"Being a low ranking official, Tien Dan was not a 'my way or the highway' type of leader. He tried and kept his followers alive by not leaving them to the enemy."「身為芝麻小官,田單幫助大家脫離敵人魔掌,靠的不是獨斷專行。」
【2010/11/05 經濟日報】



