2010年10月28日 星期四

看孫子兵法學英文/破釜沉舟 burn the boat

西洋史也有個相同典故:1066年征服者威廉率羅馬大軍渡海遠征英國,上岸後也一把火燒掉船,薩克森人聞訊喪膽,兵敗如山,因此「破釜沉舟」英文為"burn the boat",字面可知其意。
例:"Xian Yu has burnt the boat and become fully committed to his mission.Since there is no way of retreat, he is determined to fight to the end."「項羽破釜沉舟,以斷絕退路的方法,宣示他作戰到底的決心。」
孫子時代,河川是軍事障礙,稍有不慎就會被水所困,全軍動彈不得(up a creek without a paddle)。所以他說:穿越水域要儘快遠離;在敵人渡河一半時攻擊之,最為有利;不可貼近水邊與敵人交戰;要面向開闊,依託高地,不要面向流水,以免 被敵人決水攻擊。
河川既然不利作戰,船隻的作用更顯重要,將之焚毀,大有違一般常理(swim against the tide),因為焚舟之後,一旦戰敗則無路可逃,士兵只能聽天由命,自求多福 (sink or swim),照常理判斷,此舉實非良將所應為。
例:"After burning the boat, Xian Yu either wins the battle or he'll be swimming up the creek without a paddle."「破釜沉舟之後,項羽如果作戰失利,全軍將動彈不得。」
"He seemed to be swimming against the tide of public opinion by doing that peculiar action."「他的作為十分詭異,有違一般常理。」
"If he loses the battle, his soldiers have to sink or swim without their boats for retreat."「如果敗北,士兵的下場只能用聽天由命形容。」
但根據賽局理論,有時自行限制行動選項(如項羽破釜沉舟,一決死戰),可以減少對方觀望的機會(which way the wind is blowing),迫使他採取對我有利的行為(如章邯選擇退卻,以免兩敗俱傷)。
「沉船,破釜甑,燒廬舍」,除激勵士氣外,更重要的意義,在扎扎實實地(not beat around the bush) 對敵人發出訊號:「我將力戰到底」。
放一把火讓敵人清楚了解我方立場,這是高明的軍事策略,絕非半吊子(half baked) 的急就章。
例:"Before General Zhang Han would give his judgment on the campaign, he wanted to find out which way the wind blows."「秦將章邯決定,他要看清楚整個局勢,才擬定作戰命令。」
"Xiang Yu is not beating around the bush and is telling them what his real action is."「項羽明明白白地告知對方,他的真正意圖為何。」
"Burning the boat is not a half-baked strategy at all. It is very well designed and executed."「燒船斷後路絕非即興之作,那是極高明的策略。」


【2010/10/29 經濟日報】



