2010年10月15日 星期五


設身處地 putting yourself in someone’s shoes
生活中不如意的事情十之八九,何以如此?事與願違的原因,探討起來多半由於誤判現實,這就像玩撲克牌,只差一張A,就能贏牌。這種等待王牌,偏偏王牌不來的慘狀,英文就是(within an ace of winning),等於中文的「功虧一簣」。
例:"When Jobs came within an ace of winning ownership of the company, his opponents moved into the Apple's management"「賈伯斯利圖力挽狂瀾,功虧一簣,蘋果電腦公司經營權落入敵方手中。」
功虧一簣原因何在?雙方爭執不下,這時第三者的意向攸關重大,在關鍵時刻(moment of truth)來臨之前,他們可以選擇觀望,或者選擇力挺(go to the wall for someone)。這時,當事者兩造若能看清現實,提出更妥善的方案,滿足各方利益,勝負立判。所以很多時候失敗的主因,是過於主觀而失去奧援。
例:"The people sensible to give good advice are usually sensible enough to give none before the moment of truth arrives."「關鍵時刻來臨前,能夠提供好意見的聰明人,多半聰明到不提供任何意見。」
"He's always been willing to go to the wall for his friends."「兩肋插刀,在所不辭,是他對待朋友之道。」
得道多助,贏得認同,是能不拘泥己見,清楚明瞭雙方立場(can see both sides of a problem)。早年美國廣播節目主持人George V. Denny, Jr. 每當和來賓意見僵持時,便取出一顆球問對方:「球是什麼顏色」? 來賓通常瞄一眼答:「黑的」。Denny搖搖頭,說:「從我這邊看,球是白色的」。隨即他把球白色的一面翻出來。「對於球的顏色,我們的意見絕不可能一 樣,」他說,「除非你了解我看的立場,而我也知道你的看法角度不同。」原來,他的球很特別,一半是黑的,一半是白的。
例:"If a man can see both sides of a problem, you know that none of his money is tied up to it."「能看清問題兩面,就不會當冤大頭。」
"Listening to both sides of a story will convince you that there is more to a story than both sides."「聽兩面之辭,你會覺得一件事所牽涉到的不只兩面。」
孫子說:「我可以往,彼可以來者,為交地」;這種地形,要能固守要津(交地吾將固其結),不要首尾脫節(交地則無絕)。把它運用到商場,就是能站在別人的 角度上看事情(putting yourself in someone's shoes),把視野擴大,多方考慮,就能去除死角或盲點,避免掉始料未及的事(didn't see that one coming)、或萬萬料想不到(never in a million years)的意外,也就不至於功虧一簣了。
例:"Putting yourself in someone's shoes is the only fair criteria for judging other people's good and/or bad actions."「要批評別人之前,不妨先站在別人的立場,多替對方想想。」
"I didn't see that one coming, but he is imposing a regime change in our management."「他大刀闊斧改革領導團隊,這是大家始料未及的事。」
"I never in a million years thought I'd have to do what I just done."「我從來沒想過,我會經歷過這麼多波折。」
【2010/10/15 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/



